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  由於歷史與政治等因素使然,臺灣與大陸有近半世紀的時間處於隔絕狀態,語言因此而有不同的發展面向。臺灣人口結構中,大部分是自福建漳州、泉州二地移民而來的漢人後代,民間交際的主要語言多為閩南語,臺灣現代華語在長期接觸閩南語的情況下,在語音、詞彙、語法結構及語用各方面均發生不同程度的變異現象,某一些詞組結構更逐漸朝語法化的方向演變;而這種標準語(國語,臺灣現代華語)跟方言(閩南語)的接觸,也體現了語言交融的多元性。研究與語言變異相關的課題時,不僅需要關注口語的變異,也要關注書面語的變異,並需察考口語及書面語的互動關係。   本研究基於上述理論背景,選擇現代華語中三種語言現象作為研究標的,以釐清並確切描述其變異後的特徵。第一項研究標的是動詞後結果補語「掉」的使用現狀及其語法化的變異情況,第二項研究標的是比較四個量詞──「粒」、「顆」、「間」與「款」在大陸規範漢語及臺灣現代華語中搭配名詞使用的異同之處,第三項研究標的是觀察閩南語詞彙、短語等進入書面的現代華語的情況,特別著重於臺灣地區數種主要報紙媒體的新聞語料分析。   近年由於網路已成為一般大眾撰寫文章後最常使用的發表媒介,且許多人書寫篇章時早已養成「我手寫我口」的思考模式,這些上傳至網路空間的文字資料,相當程度反映出臺灣民眾的口語習慣,故本研究語料的採擷以網路上的文句為主;此外,《聯合報》及《中國時報》已各自建置其新聞資料庫,因此在新聞語料的檢索與選取部分,則以該二資料庫為主,且從新聞資料中可看出現代華語歷時的變異軌跡,從而豐富此一方面在時間軸上的對比分析研究論述。   本研究的結論希望提供以華語作為第二語言的教學者一些新的借鑒。不少臺灣華語教師平時接觸全面性的大陸規範漢語的機會較少,因此往往不自覺地使用許多受閩南語等方言影響的華語,連帶地,也可能在課堂中脫口而出,甚且教授諸如此類,受方言接觸影響下的華語。故此,本研究意欲提醒此一專業領域的工作者或研究者,保持對語言敏感的比對能力,並加以辨析其中的異同之處,避免融入過多屬於地域性的華語詞彙或語法結構。
  Modern Chinese language in Taiwan and in mainland China has developed along different lines due to historical and political reasons. Taiwan’s population largely consists of the descendants of Han immigrants from Zhangzhou and Quanzhou in Fujian province. The mainstream language of most Taiwan inhabitants is Southern Min (Taiwanese).   Linguistic variation can be observed in the phonetics, lexicon, grammatical structure and usage of Modern Chinese in Taiwan, which has had long-term contact with Southern Min. The structure of certain phrases shows a tendency towards grammaticalization, which is indicative of the extent of language contact between the national language (Mandarin and modern Chinese, spoken and written respectively) and Southern Min. When researching topics in linguistic variation, it is necessary to examine variation in both colloquial and written language as well as their interaction.   Mandarin (spoken), modern Chinese (written) and Southern Min (spoken) are selected for comparison to identify and accurately describe aspects of linguistic variation among the three languages. First, usage of the result complement diao and the variation in its grammaticalization are studied. Second, variations in the collocations and usage of four measure words (li, ke, jian, and kuan) in mainland China and Taiwan are compared. Third, the introduction of Southern Min vocabulary and phrasesinto written modern Chinese is observed; multiple Taiwan mainstream newspapers and print media are used to perform corpus analysis.   Many people have begun to write in colloquial language, a trend which can be attributed to the widespread use of the Internet for publishing written works. Writings uploaded onto the Internet are representative of the colloquial language that people in Taiwan habitually use in their writing. This study therefore uses Internet writings as a primary source of corpus data. In addition, the Taiwan newspapers United Daily and China Times each maintain electronic archives, hence these archives are the main source of news media corpus data and also serve to illustrate diachronic change in modern Chinese.   This study aims to provide new insight to instructors of Chinese as a second language in Taiwan, among which relatively few are regularly exposed to standard Mandarin as spoken in mainland China. Instructors and professors in Taiwan often speak Mandarin that is influenced by Southern Min. This paper can help language professionals and researchers to maintain higher linguistic sensitivity as well as to distinguish between standard modern Chinese and that which is influenced by Southern Min.



語言接觸, 語言變異, 動後結果補語, 量詞, 閩南語詞彙, language contact, linguistic variation, result complement, measure word, Southern Min vocabulary





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