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本論文是由工程科學灰色系統基本方法中的關聯分析來驗證聽障者在汽車美容職場適應因素之關聯度,再以自動控制用的模糊理論來進行職場適應因素的綜合評判。形成一種聽障者職場適應因素的分析與職場適應綜合評判之研究。以小組討論、專業諮詢方式,建立職場適應評量因素,經特教團隊每月職場觀察評量五位聽障者汽車美容職場工作一年之數據分析。研究獲得初步成果如下: (一)五位聽障者從事汽車美容職場適應結果,能達到五級分的許可值三級分(含)以上。經關聯分析與綜合評判結果,五位聽障者是可以適應汽車美容工作職場。 (二)五位聽障者汽車美容職場適應表現成效(因素)的優先順序是:態度適應>溝通適應>官能適應>認知適應>技能適應。態度適應是職場適應表現成效良否的第一因素,是優勢因素。溝通適應是職場適應表現成效良否的第二因素。技能與認知適應是職場適應表現成效良否的不利因素,較沒有表現出成效。 (三)以關聯分析職場適應因素時,有的個案之態度適應與認知適應,關聯度低於分辨係數,無法以該因素去確認對該個案職場適應的成效良否。而溝通適應與官能適應在作個案職場適應分析時,有較高的關聯度,溝通適應與官能適應屬於高關聯度的職場適應因素。 (四)聽障者汽車美容職場適應因個案潛在因素不同,個案要以主動積極,口手語、筆談、綜合溝通方式溝通,表現自我優勢因素,抑制不利因素,融入正常人汽車美容職場,以穩定生活、提升生活品質。聽多障者從事汽車美容工作,與其他身心障礙者相互溝通,產生干擾,職場適應更加困難。
The present study is aimed to investigate the relation analysis of the workplace adjustment factors of the hearing-impaired in car beauty industry with the basic method of grey system theory in engineering science. It is followed by a comprehensive evaluation of the workplace adjustment by the Fuzzy theory employed in automatic control. Consequently, the factors analysis and comprehensive evaluation of the workplace adjustment of the hearing-impaired in car beauty industry were established here. The workplace adjustment factors were established through team meeting and professional counseling. A special education team has visited a car beauty shop to observe five hearing-impaired people every month in a period of one year. The data collected in this period are analyzed and the initial results are summarized as follows: (1) The relation analysis and comprehensive evaluation were conducted for five hearing-impaired people working in a car beauty shop. The results show that they were rated as more than three on a five points scale, indicating that they can adapt to the car beauty workplace. (2) The preference order of performance of the workplace adjustment factors for the five hearing-impaired people is: attitude adjustment, communication adjustment, sense adjustment, cognitive adjustment, and technical adjustment. Attitude adjustment is the first factor affecting the workplace adjustment and is the superiority factor. Communication adjustment is the second factor affecting the workplace adjustment. Cognitive and technical adjustments are inferior factors for the performance of the workplace adjustment factors, exerting a less degree of influence. (3) In the relation analysis of the workplace adjustment factors, some individuals’ attitude and cognitive adjustments were less than the coefficient of resolution; consequently, these factors cannot be used to confirm their effects in the workplace adjustment. However, the communication and sense adjustments showed higher degree of relation; therefore, these two adjustments are the workplace adjustment factors with higher degree of relation. (4) The potential factors of workplace adjustment for hearing-impaired people in car beauty industry are different for different individuals. Individuals should actively and vigorously employ the integrated communication combining oral and sign languages as well as pen conversation to manifest their superiority factors and contain their inferiority factors. With the efforts, it is conducive to integrate themselves with ordinary people in car beauty industry, leading to a stable life and enhancing their living standard. Many hearing-impaired people working in car beauty industry poorly communicated with other hearing-impaired colleagues, making their workplace adjustment more difficult.



聽障者, 汽車美容, 職場適應, 關聯分析, 模糊綜合評判, Hearing-impaired people, Car beauty industry, workspace adjustment, Relation analysis, Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation





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