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桃園縣國中生課外閱讀與基本學力測驗成績相關暨差異之研究 摘 要   本研究旨在探討桃園縣國中生課外閱讀與基本學力測驗成績之關係,並比較不同背景的國中生在課外閱讀及基本學力測驗成績上的差異情形。本研究採問卷調查法,以桃園縣九所公立高級中學的高一新生為研究對象,採按比例隨機叢集抽樣方法,總共抽出29個班級,1,290位學生為受試對象,共取得有效問卷1100份。並以SPSS for Windows12.0版統計套裝軟體進行資料分析,兼採以百分比次數分配、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、卡方檢定及Pearson積差相關等統計方法進行分析考驗。   除分析桃園縣國中生之課外閱讀狀況外,並對不同背景之國中生在課外閱讀動機、課外閱讀態度、課外閱讀習慣、課外閱讀興趣、家庭閱讀環境、學校閱讀環境及社區閱讀環境等變項呈現之差異情況進行分析。進而針對背景因素、課外閱讀狀況與國民中學基本學力測驗之關係及所呈現之差異狀況詳加剖析。 本研究主要發現 一、性別、父母教育程度及學校位置在基本學力測驗成績上有顯著差異。 二、課外閱讀動機與國民中學基本學力測驗之各科成績皆未達顯著相關。 三、課外閱讀態度與國民中學基本學力測驗之「國文」,「英語」二科成績以及「總成績」皆呈顯著相關。 四、家庭閱讀環境與國民中學基本學力測驗之「國文」,「英語」二科成績以及「總成績」皆呈顯著相關。 五、學校閱讀環境與國民中學基本學力測驗之「數學」、「自然」、「社會」三科成績以及「總成績」皆達負顯著相關。 六、社區閱讀環境與國民中學基本學力測驗之「社會科」成績呈顯著相關。   根據以上研究發現,對學校、教師、家長、學生、教育政策、圖書館與後續研究等方面,提出改善閱讀計畫和閱讀環境的建議。 一、 擬定提昇閱讀習慣計畫 二、 塑造及改善閱讀環境 三、 增進圖書館對學生的吸引力 四、落實課外閱讀教育政策 關鍵詞:課外閱讀、閱讀動機、閱讀態度、閱讀興趣、閱讀習慣、閱讀環境、國民中學基本學力測驗
A study on the correlation and differentiation between extra-curricular reading and the Basic Competency Test of junior high school students in Tao Yuan County Yu Chiang Abstract This is a research on the relationship between extra-curricular reading and the Basic Competency Test of Junior High School Students in Tao Yuan County. Questionnaire survey was conducted and cluster sampling was applied to target group. 1100 out of 1290 are valid questionnaires. Statistic analysis software package SPSS Windows 12.0 was adopted and data analyses, such as frequency, t-test, One-Way ANOVA, Chi-square and Pearson correlation analysis, were done. Besides analyzing extra-curricular reading situation of junior high school students in Tao Yuan County, the differentiation among extra-curricular reading motivation, extra-curricular reading attitudes, extra-curricular reading habits, extra-curricular reading interest, home literacy environment, school reading environment and community reading environment of junior high school students with different backgrounds are also analyzed. The relationship and differentiation among different backgrounds, extra-curricular reading circumstance and the Basic Competency Test of Junior High School Students were also analyzed. The main findings of the study are as follows: 1. Gender, parent’s education level and school location reveal significant difference and influence on the Basic Competency Test achievement. 2. There is no significant correlation between reading motivation and achievement of the Basic Competency Test. 3. There is a significant correlation between reading attitude and the achievement of the Basic Competency Test, including content areas such as Chinese, English and overall performance. 4. There is a significant correlation between home literacy environment and the achievement of the Basic Competency Test, including Chinese, English and overall performance. 5. There is a negative significant correlation between school reading environment and achievement of the Basic Competency Test, including mathematics, science, social study and overall performance. 6. There is a significant correlation between community reading environment and social study achievement of the Basic Competency Test. Suggestions were made for further research and for schools, teachers, parents, students, education-policy makers and school libraries to improve the reading programs and environments. 1. Some programs for reading habit promotion. 2. Creating and improving reading environments. 3. Making the school library attractive to students. 4. Achieving extra-curricular reading policy goals Key words:extra-curricular reading, reading motivation, reading attitude, reading interest, reading habit, reading environment, the Basic Competency Test of Junior High School



課外閱讀, 閱讀動機, 閱讀態度, 閱讀興趣, 閱讀習慣, 閱讀環境, 國民中學基本學力測驗, extra-curricular reading, reading motivation, reading attitude, reading interest, reading habit, reading environment, the Basic Competency Test of Junior High School





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