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運算思維已被公認為 21 世紀公民重要的能力,培養運算思維的其中一項關鍵途徑是程式設計。許多研究都指出,程式設計對於非資訊領域背景的學生而言,是不容易學習的科目,不僅具有相當高的失敗率與退選率,甚至有許多學生在課程結束後仍然不知道如何撰寫程式。本研究擬探討幫助非資訊領域學生在運算思維學習上的教學策略。本研究基於直接教學法為主要的理論根據,提出增強學習之教學策略,並以修習運算思維與程式設計通識課程之大學生為研究對象,將學生分為實驗組與對照組,實驗組組成為文學院與教育學院之學生,採用增強學習教學策略,而對照組來自不同學院學生,依照原課程安排修課,皆無特殊要求。 經由實驗與研究結果分析,本研究發現增強學習教學策略有助於非資訊領域學生提高學習成效,並縮短了實驗組學生與理學院學生學習表現上的差異。立即性的回饋與輔導,提供學生發問的機會,並即時地解決問題與釐清迷思,可以讓非資訊領域背景的學生能有更好的學習成效,也增進了學生的自我效能與正向情感。
Computational thinking (CT) is an important ability for citizens of the 21st century. One of the key ways to cultivate CT is through programming education. Many studies found that for students with limited computer science training, programming can be a challenging subject, with low passing rate and high drop-out rate. Even if students manage to pass the course, some still struggle to apply their programming skill in future projects. This research aims to explore teaching strategies which can help students of non-computer-science fields develop CT.This research adopts the direct teaching method and proposes a teaching strategy for enhancing learning. The participants are college students taking the general course in CT and programming and are further divided into four control groups and an experimental group; the former, who follows the original course curriculum without any special treatment, consists of students who major in different fields respectively while the later, who follows the same curriculum but adopts the enhanced learning strategy proposed by this research, consists of students who major in liberal arts or education.The result shows that students of liberal arts and education major who adopt enhanced learning strategy outperformed students in the same fields with no treatments. Moreover, there is no significant differences between the performance of science majors and of liberal arts and education majors adopting enhanced learning strategy. These all show that through immediate feedback and tutoring, students have more opportunities to promptly ask questions, solve problems and clarify misconceptions, which not only helps non-computer-science majors obtain higher learning achievement but also enhances their self-efficacy and positive affect.



運算思維, 程式學習, 教學策略, computational thinking, programming learning, teaching strategies





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