基於回歸模型探討臺中市婚姻人口及空間效應—以 2011 年及 2020 年為例

dc.contributorChang, Kuo-Chenen_US
dc.contributor.authorHuang, Guang-Jinen_US
dc.description.abstractExisting domestic and international marriage studies mostly tend to explore the relationship between marriage and social structure, focusing only on"group" categories while neglecting the discussion of "spatial" aspects, such as household income, couple's educational level, age at first marriage, number of children, religious beliefs, and ethnicity. This study builds upon the results of previous marriage literature and utilizes spatial statistical methods to investigate the interactions between the married population, society, and space, using Taichung City as the research area. It explores the changes in the married population and spatialdistribution in the first year (2011) and the tenth year (2020) after Taichung was upgraded to a special municipality, and analyzes related variables.The study finds that in both years, the cold spots of the married population in Taichung are concentrated in the old urban areas of Taichung, while the hot spots are concentrated in suburban and coastal areas. Through stepwise selection of input variables, it is found that the child dependency ratio, natural increase rate, and median income are positively correlated with the married population in both years. On the contrary, female variables, including the ratio of women with higher education, female divorce rate, and female widowhood rate, are negatively correlated. After inputting variables into the Spatial Lag Model (SLM), it is also found that the married population exhibits spatial proximity effects. Through the Breusch-Pagan test and subsequent Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR), the coefficients were analyzed using the K-means algorithm. It was found that female variables in the coastal areas have a greater negative impact compared to urban areas, while the child dependency ratio, median income, and natural increase rate variables are positively correlated regardless of the region.After being upgraded to a special municipality, the population of Taichung City increased, but the number of households in each district decreased annually, facing low birth rates and an aging population. Even though the median income had a strong positive impact in 2011, it significantly decreased by 2020, indicating that the relationship between the economy and marriage is gradually weakening. Overall, the marriage phenomena are more evident in coastal areas compared to urban areas. Recently, the main married population has been concentrated from Xitun to Shalu, speculated to be related to population clustering brought by surrounding industrial and science parks. This study divides the married population of Taichung City into four major clusters, confirming that there are regional differences in the overall married populationen_US
dc.subjectMarriage Demographicsen_US
dc.subjectSpatial Statisticsen_US
dc.subjectK-means Cluster Analysisen_US
dc.title基於回歸模型探討臺中市婚姻人口及空間效應—以 2011 年及 2020 年為例zh_TW
dc.titleExploring the Marriage Population and Spatial Effects in Taichung City Based on Regression Models: Taking 2011 and 2020 as Examplesen_US


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