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Department of Geography, NTNU
Department of Geography, NTNU
清仁宗嘉慶年間,漢移民自大陸福建引進茶樹種植於臺北盆地東南丘陵一帶後,茶葉就逐漸發展成臺灣重要產業之一。 臺北、桃園、新竹、苗栗等縣市海拔 500 公尺以下的丘陵臺地區, 因地形、 氣候適宜, 在清領時期即形成臺灣最主要的茶園空間所在。 但 1980 年代後素以外銷為主的臺茶轉為內銷型態後, 茶園集中在北部丘陵臺地區的傳統空間型態也隨之改變。本研究目的即在探討臺灣茶園空間的變遷現象,研究成果如下:一、1980 年代後臺灣茶園空間產生以下變遷:(一 ) 水平變遷,茶園空間呈現「北消南長的現象。 ( 二 ) 垂直變遷,低海拔茶園縮減,而高海拔茶園擴增。 縮減的低海拔茶園幾乎都位於北部,擴增的高海拔茶園也絕大多數位於中南部,與水平方向的變遷吻合。(三 ) 土地利用變遷,北部低海拔茶園縮減後土地利用之轉變趨勢以荒廢狀態佔多數,次為轉變成工商住宅用地,或改為休閒遊憩用地,僅少部份茶園轉作檳榔、綠竹筍、柑桔、水梨等作物;而中南部海拔 500 公尺以上山區因氣候適宜、原種植作物利潤低及國人喜好高海拔茶葉, 使原有的竹林、果園、杉木林、旱田等逐漸轉變為茶園。二、臺灣茶園出現北部低海拔茶區縮減,而中南部高海拔茶區擴增的空間變遷原因,主要是臺茶外銷縮減,使素以外銷為主的北部低海拔茶區在失去海外市場後,又受限於茶園本身茶樹老化,所產製的茶葉品質不佳,難以攻佔國內市場,但因位置適宜成為北部都會區工商位宅及休閒遊憩用地爭取對象,而使茶園日漸縮減;中南部高海拔茶園所產製的茶葉迎合國人喜好,內銷市場廣大,利潤高,而使茶園不斷擴增。三、1980 年代臺灣茶園空間變遷後,茶園空間呈現三種類型:1. 北部低海拔茶園式微,茶園經營漸成副業, 茶園面積持續縮減。 2. 中南部高海拔茶區興盛,茶園不斷向高海拔拓展,茶園經營走向產、製、銷合一的型態。茶園經營不但繁榮山區經濟,也緩和山區嚴重的人口外流問題。 3. 觀光茶園興起,將茶園經營由純粹的第一級產業轉型為結合第三級產業的休閒農業型態,以挽救北部日漸沒落的茶業,目前僅木柵觀光茶園成效最佳,成為北部極少樹茶園未縮減的茶區之一。
Between 1796 and 1820, Chinese settlers started to transplant tea trees from Fukien Province in Mainland to the southeastern Hills of Taipei Basin. After that, the tea industry developed gradually to become one of the important industries in Taiwan. In Taipei, Taoyuan, Hsinchu and Miaoli, those mills and platforms under 500 meters above sea level had formed the major tea plant cultivating regions in Taiwan for the suitability of the relief and the weather. However, after 1980's, the tea industry, used to export products mainly, shifted its direction to importation, and then the spatial mode of the tea plant, Gathering chiefly in the hills and basins of northern Taiwan came to alter also. The purpose of the research is to investigate the space movement of tea plant in Taiwan, and the results are as follows, 1.Ater 1980's, the space movement of tea plant had the following modification: (A)Horizontal Movement:The tea plant regions revealed the phenomenon of "Decrease in North and Increase in South." (B)Vertical Movement:It showed the reduction of the tea plant distribution at the lower hill and the enlargement at the higher hill. The tea plant regions of lower hills were mostly situated in the northern Taiwan and the ones of higher hills were mainly placed in the middle and southern parts of Taiwan. The Vertical Movement phenomenon just matched the Horizontal Movement phenomenon. (C)The Change of the Land Utilization:The most land of northern tea plant regions fell into ruin; a few turned to be the industrial, commercial or residential areas; only very limited land changed to grow other agricultural products. However, in middle or southern Taiwan, because of the suitability of the weather, the low benefit of the previous farm products and Taiwanese great affection for the hills tea, those areas 500 meters above sea level, which were originally bamboo grove, orchards, fir trees, dry farmlands, etc., became the tea plantations. 2.The spatial change of tea plant distribut
Between 1796 and 1820, Chinese settlers started to transplant tea trees from Fukien Province in Mainland to the southeastern Hills of Taipei Basin. After that, the tea industry developed gradually to become one of the important industries in Taiwan. In Taipei, Taoyuan, Hsinchu and Miaoli, those mills and platforms under 500 meters above sea level had formed the major tea plant cultivating regions in Taiwan for the suitability of the relief and the weather. However, after 1980's, the tea industry, used to export products mainly, shifted its direction to importation, and then the spatial mode of the tea plant, Gathering chiefly in the hills and basins of northern Taiwan came to alter also. The purpose of the research is to investigate the space movement of tea plant in Taiwan, and the results are as follows, 1.Ater 1980's, the space movement of tea plant had the following modification: (A)Horizontal Movement:The tea plant regions revealed the phenomenon of "Decrease in North and Increase in South." (B)Vertical Movement:It showed the reduction of the tea plant distribution at the lower hill and the enlargement at the higher hill. The tea plant regions of lower hills were mostly situated in the northern Taiwan and the ones of higher hills were mainly placed in the middle and southern parts of Taiwan. The Vertical Movement phenomenon just matched the Horizontal Movement phenomenon. (C)The Change of the Land Utilization:The most land of northern tea plant regions fell into ruin; a few turned to be the industrial, commercial or residential areas; only very limited land changed to grow other agricultural products. However, in middle or southern Taiwan, because of the suitability of the weather, the low benefit of the previous farm products and Taiwanese great affection for the hills tea, those areas 500 meters above sea level, which were originally bamboo grove, orchards, fir trees, dry farmlands, etc., became the tea plantations. 2.The spatial change of tea plant distribut