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自主學習的兩個關鍵要素是準備好、能夠並願意為自己的學習負責的學習者。其次,學習者是積極參與者,而非被動接受者。本研究主要目的透過理解學生進行述說的語彙與表述方式,可以揭露學生本身的學習歷程以及在自主學習中的思維過程。主要研究目的有二,包括深入探討一位就讀私立技術型高中的學生在兩學年度內完整參與自主學習與一位指導教師的教學引導歷程,以及暸解技高學生在自主學習中的學習經驗與困難,從個人層面提出相對應的啟示和建議;並省思教師在學生自主學習中的角色與功能,探討教師如何更有效地引導和支持學生的自主學習,以促進更有意義的學習體驗,本研究選擇質性研究的敘事研究法對技高學生與指導老師分別進行訪談。並針對學生自主學習的部分,形塑了協助學生自主學習更好的實作方式:一、調整自主學習計畫申請書的撰寫方式、二、 引導善用網路教材資源、三、因應學生在學習歷程中的學習需求給予鷹架支持。對於教師在引導自主學習時也提出了所需扮演的角色和功能等,老師的功能在自主學習中主要是引導,幫助學生在沒有具體指令的情況下找到方向,確定學習目標,並選擇適合的學習資源和工具。透過自主學習,學生有機會涉足多個學科領域,這有助於培養跨學科的思考和解決問題的能力。培養自主學習能力對學生未來的發展有著深遠的影響。把技高原有的專業能力學習再加上新課綱的素養能力引導,這才真正地對技高學生未來有幫助,帶著他們去學習將來生活要面對問題的態度,以適應快速變化的工作環境,才能真正展現技高學生的核心價值。
The main purpose of this study was to explore the learning experiences and think processes of a student engaged in self-directed learning over two academic years in a private vocational high school, along with the guidance provided by a teacher. The research aimed to reveal the student's learning journey and difficulties in self-directed learning, offering insights and suggestions at the individual level. Additionally, it seeked to reflect on the role and functions of teachers in facilitating effective guidance and supported for students' self-directed learning, promoting meaningful learning experiences. The qualitative narrative research method was chosen for interviews with both the vocational high school student and the guiding teacher. In terms of supporting students in self-directed learning, practical strategies were shaped, including adjusting the writing format of self-directed learning plans, guiding the effective use of online learning resources, and providing scaffold support based on students' learning needs. For teachers guiding self-directed learning, their role primarily involved directing and helping students find direction, determined learning goals, and chose suitable learning resources and tools without specific instructions. Through self-directed learning, students had the opportunity to engage with multiple disciplines, fostering interdisciplinary thinking and problem-solving skills. The cultivation of self-directed learning abilities had a profound impact on students' future development. Integrating existing technical competencies with the new curriculum's essential skills guidance truly benefits vocational high school students, preparing them to face challenges with the right attitude and adapt to rapidly changing work environments, showcasing their core values.
The main purpose of this study was to explore the learning experiences and think processes of a student engaged in self-directed learning over two academic years in a private vocational high school, along with the guidance provided by a teacher. The research aimed to reveal the student's learning journey and difficulties in self-directed learning, offering insights and suggestions at the individual level. Additionally, it seeked to reflect on the role and functions of teachers in facilitating effective guidance and supported for students' self-directed learning, promoting meaningful learning experiences. The qualitative narrative research method was chosen for interviews with both the vocational high school student and the guiding teacher. In terms of supporting students in self-directed learning, practical strategies were shaped, including adjusting the writing format of self-directed learning plans, guiding the effective use of online learning resources, and providing scaffold support based on students' learning needs. For teachers guiding self-directed learning, their role primarily involved directing and helping students find direction, determined learning goals, and chose suitable learning resources and tools without specific instructions. Through self-directed learning, students had the opportunity to engage with multiple disciplines, fostering interdisciplinary thinking and problem-solving skills. The cultivation of self-directed learning abilities had a profound impact on students' future development. Integrating existing technical competencies with the new curriculum's essential skills guidance truly benefits vocational high school students, preparing them to face challenges with the right attitude and adapt to rapidly changing work environments, showcasing their core values.
自主學習, 技術型高中, Self-directed learning, vocational high school