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本研究旨在探討創作性戲劇教學於藝術生活課程表演藝術類多元能力的學習效能,透過「模仿-外星人劇場」及「角色扮演-青春舞臺劇」兩單元的實施與反思,經由教學活動觀察量表及學習態度量表,就所任教高三六十八位學生在專注力、想像力、感受力、表達力、創造力等之表現資料進行分析,據以提出本研究結論如下: 壹、透過創作性戲劇「模仿-外星人劇場」單元,學生於專注力、想像力、感受力、表達力、創造力學習效能表現良好:依據觀察者評定及學生自評結果,分別達「佳」趨「優」及「中」趨「佳」程度,觀察者評定較高而學生自評較低,顯示學生自我要求較高,或觀察者對於藝術生活課程在高三學生表現持予肯定。 貳、創作性戲劇「模仿-外星人劇場」單元實施省思,教學設計方面可透過不同模仿策略帶動學習效能但須掌控時間;學生情緒引發方面則可善用戲劇教學緩和課業壓力及增益學習氣氛:透過不同模仿教學策略可引發學生多元能力開展,如眼神、動作、意念等,但少部分學生參與有賴教學備案。另透過創作性戲劇可使學生情緒適當抒發,且學習歷程中的實作、合作與討論經驗,亦能增益其自信與人際溝通,其他省思尚有:運用分組及同儕力量帶動學習動機;教學歷程應更深入學生深層人文關懷;以及善用戲劇教學活化班級經營。 參、透過創作性戲劇「角色扮演-青春舞臺劇」單元,學生於專注力、想像力、感受力、表達力、創造力學習效能表現優異且較前進步:依據觀察者評定及學生自評結果,均獲「佳」趨「優」程度,學生自評水準於本單元提高,顯示對自我較為肯定,且整體學習效能較第一單元更為優異。 肆、創作性戲劇「角色扮演-青春舞臺劇」單元實施省思,教學設計方面可善用整合性的舞臺劇經驗,而教學時間掌控不易故仍應視學生需求而彈性調整;學生情緒引發方面則可以生活經驗為題材的角色扮演實作歷程,導引學生共鳴以抒發其情緒:透過舞臺劇整合性的劇情、排練、觀摩、賞析,可具體促進學生多元能力更深層開展,而即使解說及示範耽誤進度,教學者仍應視學生需要妥慎引導。另經由舞臺劇實作及以生活經驗為題材的角色扮演,可引發學生共鳴,有效抒發情緒及課業壓力。其他省思尚有:促進表演環境安全感以提升學生參與;增加同儕觀摩以增學生表演能力及顯現班級特質;以及透過行動研究歷程增益教學知能與師生互動。
This research was to explore the learning effectiveness, including five abilities such as concentration, imagination, perception, expression, and creativity, via using of creative drama onto the “Arts and Life Curriculum” for senior high school students in Taipei. It took total 68 students of two classes for the subjects and two units for the action study focused on the performing skills of “imitation” and “role-play”. Two rating scales, one for observation of teaching activities and one for students’ attitude self-evaluation along with teaching journals, were used for data collecting. Conclusions were stated as follows: First, for the “imitation” unit, the learning effectiveness of students’ five abilities performed quite well although the average of students’ self-evaluation was less than the rating of the observer. Second, for the “imitation” unit, the instructor’s reflections were: 1) Different strategies of “imitation” could promote the learning effectiveness but the time control of processing wasn’t going smoothly. And 2) the using of creative drama could be helpful for the relaxation of students’ pressure from schoolwork and the promotion to learning motivation. Third, for the “role-play” unit, the learning effectiveness of students’ five abilities performed excellently well and the average of students’ self-evaluation was high than the previous unit. Fourth, for the “role-play” unit, the instructor’s reflections were: 1) The integrate experience from stage-skills could promote the more learning effectiveness as well as the time control was still difficult due to the instant needs of students. And 2) the “role-play” processing of creative drama performance should base on the experiences from students’ daily lives thus to bring out their sympathy and emotion. According to the conclusions, the researcher also proposed suggestions for the Art-Life Curriculum development, the implementation of teaching, and the future related studies.



創作性戲劇, 藝術生活課程, 學習效能, creative drama, Arts and Life curriculum, learning effectiveness





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