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對於未來將投入餐飲業的餐飲科學生來說,實習的經驗很重要,會影響日後工作態度及工作品質,然而餐飲從業人員是遭受性騷擾的高危險群,因此本文以餐飲科學生為研究對象,進行性騷擾知覺、經驗及面對騷擾處理方式研究,以立意取樣的方式,發放250份問卷,共得有效問卷223份。以因素分析、變異數分析、卡方分析進行統計分析。 研究結果顯示:女性學生認定性騷擾的標準較男性學生來得廣泛,實習時間愈長,性騷擾的經驗也愈多。女性學生較男性學生常遭受男性上司「性注視騷擾」,也較常遭受男性同事「性注視及性言論騷擾」、「頭及手部騷擾」及男性顧客「性注視騷擾」;而男性學生較女性學生常遭受女性上司「頭及手部騷擾」,也常遭受女性同事「性要求騷擾」及「臀部騷擾」。 「眼光在我的身上四處打量」、「輕拍我的肩膀」、「談論有性意味的笑話」、「輕拍或撫摸我的頭」、「對我拋媚眼」、「輕拍我的手臂」、「輕拍我的肩膀」這些行為是餐飲科學生較常發生的性騷擾經驗,然而這些行為卻不被餐飲科學生歸類為性騷擾行為。在遭受「輕拍我的臀部」、「目不轉睛的注視我的身體敏感部位」的騷擾,是餐飲科學生較同意的性騷擾行為,顯見被注視著及碰觸自己的身體敏感部位是會令餐飲科學生感覺不自在及不舒服的。多數餐飲科學生面對性騷擾的處理方式是「告訴其他認識的人(例如:同學、朋友等)」等消極的處理方式。最後,本研究針對研究結果提供具體的建議給學校、實習指導老師及業者參考。
Practical training experience is an important part of education for hospitality major students, for it affects students’ working attitude and working competencies in the future. Unfortunately, hospitality workers are at high risk of sexual harassment. Thus, the primary purpose of this study was to investigate hospitality major students’ perceived sexual harassment, their sexual harassment experiences, and coping strategies. The sampling method is convenience sampling. A total of 250 questionnaires were distributed, with a response rate of 89.2%. There are 4 parts of the questionnaire; the first part is locus of control scale, the second part examined students’ perceived sexual harassment and their sexual harassment experiences, the third part evaluated students’ coping strategies, and the fourth part included demographic questions. Statistical methods used to analyze the data included descriptive analyses, factor analysis, Cronbach’s α, MANOVA, ANOVA, and Chi-square analyses. The items that received the highest score on perceived sexual harassment were “exposing sexual parts of the body“, and “offers job-related benefits for sexual favors”. The results indicated that female students perceived sexual harassment differently from their male counterparts. Female students’ score on perceived sexual harassment were statistically higher than male students. Generally speaking, female students were more frequently being the victims of sexual harassment from their boss, colleagues, and customers. Female students were more frequent targets of unwanted sexual attentions from their superiors than male students. Female students were also more frequent targets of unwanted sexual attentions and remarks. The findings also suggest that there was statistically difference between female and male students in unwanted sexual attention experiences from customers. The results of this study also indicate that there was statistical difference between female and male students in their coping strategies toward sexual harassment. The findings of this research shed lights on how students perceived sexual harassment, their sexual harassment experiences, and coping strategies. Findings of this research can help hospitality industry to develop corporate strategies and policies to prevent sexual harassment at work. The findings of this study can also help hospitality educators to prepare their students to cope with potential sexual harassment situations.



餐飲科學生, 實習, 性騷擾知覺, 性騷擾經驗, 性騷擾處理方式, hospitality major students, practical training, perceived sexual harassment, sexual harassment experience, coping strategy

