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本研究目的,主要在探討高工機械、電機、資訊科學生技能及專業知識學習成就 之影響因素,並分析機械、電機與資訊等領域技術人才職場成就之關鍵因素,再據以 發展培育高工機械、電機、資訊科學生成為職場高成就技術人力之系統性教學內涵與 策略。 本研究以三年三階段進行,第一年為量化研究,針對高工二年級學生各種特質進行 施測,作為確認影響高工機械、電機、資訊科學生技能、專業知識學習成就之主要因素。 第二年主要以質性研究方式進行,利用文獻探討、深度訪談及內容分析等法,找出及確 認影響機械、電機、資訊領域人才在職場中成功發展的關鍵因素。第三年則進行培育高 工機械、電機、資訊科學生成為職場高成就技術人力之系統性教學內涵與策略之發展工 作,並透過焦點團體座談方式,以確認此一系統性教學內涵與策略之正確性及適切性。 本研究預期達成的主要結果,有:編製(development)及驗證(validation)高工學生學 習態度量表;確認影響高工機械、電機、資訊等科別學生技能、專業知識學習成就之因 素;瞭解企業界對機械、電機、資訊等領域高成就技術人力特質的要求;提出連結學校 與職場之系統性教學內涵與策略以培養機械、電機、資訊等領域之高成就技術人力。
The purposes of this study are aimed at investigating the factors that affecting the learning achievements of students in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Departments at senior vocational industrial high schools; identifying the key factors for high performance in workplaces; and developing the strategies for teaching school to work related competencies. The research will last for three years. During the first year, a quantitative research method of survey will be applied to correcting data of second year students at senior vocational industrial high schools in the above the three departments. In second year, qualitative research method of in-depth interview will be employed to obtain the data. For the final year, a comparative method will be adopted to extract information about the strategies of linking school to work in various nations to combine with the data collected from first and second years to propose a set of strategies for developing workplace oriented skill talents.
The purposes of this study are aimed at investigating the factors that affecting the learning achievements of students in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Departments at senior vocational industrial high schools; identifying the key factors for high performance in workplaces; and developing the strategies for teaching school to work related competencies. The research will last for three years. During the first year, a quantitative research method of survey will be applied to correcting data of second year students at senior vocational industrial high schools in the above the three departments. In second year, qualitative research method of in-depth interview will be employed to obtain the data. For the final year, a comparative method will be adopted to extract information about the strategies of linking school to work in various nations to combine with the data collected from first and second years to propose a set of strategies for developing workplace oriented skill talents.