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約瑟夫.霍洛維茲(Joseph Horovitz, 1926-2022)為英國著名的作曲家和指揮家,無論在輕鬆或是嚴肅的創作都表現出色。他自1957年《單簧管協奏曲》(Clarinet Concerto)使用了新古典主義與爵士的綜合風格,並在之後許多成功的作品中應用了此手法,包括本文欲探討的《單簧管與鋼琴小奏鳴曲》(Sonatina for Clarinet and Piano)。《單簧管與鋼琴小奏鳴曲》創作於1981年,是霍洛維茲與單簧管傑維斯.德.派爾(Gervase de Peyer, 1926-2017)的友誼結晶之一,也是他獻給妻子的經典之作。本曲也因其獨特的音樂結構與充滿變化的節奏形式,在當代單簧管作品中常被選為音樂會表演曲目。本詮釋報告分為四個章:第一章節是緒論,包括研究動機與目的,以及研究方法;第二章是文獻探討,簡介作曲家霍洛維茲的成長背景、音樂學習經歷等,並討論他的創作風格,同時將探討《單簧管與鋼琴小奏鳴曲》的創作背景,揭示其創作靈感來源、目的和首演資訊等相關信息;第三章將分析此曲的曲式結構、拍號變化及和聲等等,並以鋼琴合作者的角度來探究合作技巧和詮釋可能;第四章是結語,綜合上述分析,對全文的重點進行歸納整理。
Joseph Horovitz was a renowned British composer and conductor known for his versatility in both light and serious musical styles. Since"Clarinet Concerto" in 1957, he combined styles of Neo-classicism and jazz, a technique applied successfully in many subsequent works including the Sonatina for Clarinet and Piano to be discussed in this report. Sonatina for Clarinet and Piano was composed in 1981 and stands as one of the fruits of Horovitz's friendship with clarinetist Gervase de Peyer, as well as a dedication to his wife. Notable for its unique musical structure and varied rhythmic patterns, it is frequently chosen for concertprogram among clarinet and piano compositions.This interpretive report is divided into four chapters. The first chapter serves as an introduction, outlining the research motivations and objectives as well as the methodology. The second chapter is a literature review, introducing the life and career of composer Joseph Horovitz and including discussions on his compositional style. Additionally, it also presents the composition background of the Sonatina for Clarinet and Piano, revealing its inspiration and the premiere information. The third chapter analyzes the musical structure and rhythmic variations of this sonatina, exploring collaborative techniques and interpretation possibilities from the perspective of the collaborative pianist. Finally, the fourth chapter provides a conclusion, summarizing the key points of the entire interpreting report.
Joseph Horovitz was a renowned British composer and conductor known for his versatility in both light and serious musical styles. Since"Clarinet Concerto" in 1957, he combined styles of Neo-classicism and jazz, a technique applied successfully in many subsequent works including the Sonatina for Clarinet and Piano to be discussed in this report. Sonatina for Clarinet and Piano was composed in 1981 and stands as one of the fruits of Horovitz's friendship with clarinetist Gervase de Peyer, as well as a dedication to his wife. Notable for its unique musical structure and varied rhythmic patterns, it is frequently chosen for concertprogram among clarinet and piano compositions.This interpretive report is divided into four chapters. The first chapter serves as an introduction, outlining the research motivations and objectives as well as the methodology. The second chapter is a literature review, introducing the life and career of composer Joseph Horovitz and including discussions on his compositional style. Additionally, it also presents the composition background of the Sonatina for Clarinet and Piano, revealing its inspiration and the premiere information. The third chapter analyzes the musical structure and rhythmic variations of this sonatina, exploring collaborative techniques and interpretation possibilities from the perspective of the collaborative pianist. Finally, the fourth chapter provides a conclusion, summarizing the key points of the entire interpreting report.
約瑟夫・霍洛維茲, 新古典主義, 單簧管與鋼琴小奏鳴曲, 鋼琴合作, Joseph Horovitz, Neo-classicism, Sonatina for Clarinet and Piano, Collaborative Pianist