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本研究旨在探討技藝教育實施現況、技藝教育資源統合需求及技藝教育資源中心設置意見。為達成上述目的,採用文獻分析與問卷調查等方法進行研究。研究對象為國中技藝教育班、實用技能班辦理學校行政人員與教師及技藝教育主管行政機關業務承辦人員等三類對象;研究工具則為研究者自編之問卷。 在國中技藝教育班辦理學校行政人員與教師部分,共獲得208份有效樣本;在實用技能班辦理學校行政人員與教師部分,共獲得129份有效問卷;而在技藝教育主管行政機關業務承辦人員部分,則獲得15份有效問卷。問卷資料採次數分配、平均數、單因子變異數及t檢定等統計方法進行方析,並根據分析結果提出研究結論與建議。 本研究獲致的重要結論摘錄如下: 一、技藝教育實施成效方面 國中技藝教育班、實用技能班辦理學校行政人員與教師,對整體實施現況皆呈現同意的看法。 二、技藝教育資源統合需求方面 有70%以上的國中技藝教育班、實用技能班辦理學校行政人員與教師及技藝教育主管行政機關業務承辦人員,認為各縣市辦理學校資源與可資運用的社會資源有統合之需要。 三、技藝教育資源中心設置意見方面 (一)設置需求 有70%以上的國中技藝教育班、實用技能班辦理學校行政人員與教師及技藝教育主管行政機關業務承辦人員,贊成由技藝教育資源中心從事資源統合工作。 (二)成立型態 有70%以上的國中技藝教育班、實用技能班辦理學校行政人員與教師,贊成由高中職學校附設成立技藝教育資源中心。至於技藝教育主管行政機關業務承辦人員的看法,則較不一致。 (三)設置方式 有60%以上的國中技藝教育班、實用技能班辦理學校行政人員與教師及技藝教育主管行政機關業務承辦人員,贊成每縣市各設置一所技藝教育資源中心。 本研究綜合上述結論,認為技藝教育資源中心有設置的需求性,同時分別提出對於技藝教育主管行政機關與技藝教育資源中心辦理學校等單位的具體建議。
The research was aimed to investigate the current situation of the implementation of practical art education, the need for the combination of the resources of practical art education and the opinions about the establishment of the resources center of practical art education. To achieve these purposes, the methods to collect data were Literature review and three kinds of questionnaires designed for the research. The valid questionnaires were answered 208 teachers of the classes of practical education in junior high schools, 129 teachers of the classes of the practical skill education in senior high/vocational schools, 15 officials of the practical art education authorities. The major conclusions are as follows: 1.The aspect of the effects of the implementation of practical art education The teachers of the classes of practical art education and those of the classes of practical skill were in agreement with the current situation of implementation on the whole. 2.The need for the combination of practical art education More than 70 percent of teachers of the classes of practical art education and of those of the classes of practical skill education and of officials of practical art education authorities thought there was need for the combination of the resources of the schools carried out practical art education and the social resources. 3.The aspect of the opinions about the establishment of the resource center of practical art education: A. The need for the establishment More than 70 percent of teachers of the classes of practical art education and of those of the classes of practical skill education and officials of practical art education authorities were agreed that the resource center of practical art education was going to be responsible for the work to integrate the resources. B. The types of the establishment More than 70 percent of teachers of the classes of practical art education and of those of the classes of practical skill education agreed that the resource center of practical art education was affiliated with the senior high/vocational school. However, the officials of practical art education were not unanimous in this opinions. C. The quantities of the resource center More than 60 percent of teachers of the classes of practical art education and of those of the classes of practical skill education agreed that every country should has a resource center. According to the conclusions, there were need for the establishment of the resource center of practical art education and practicability of establishment. The concrete suggestions were provided for practical art authorities and the schools on charge with the resource center.



技藝教育, 技藝教育資源中心, practical art education, practical resource center of practical art





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