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本研究之目的在:探討長期照護機構應力性尿失禁住民執行骨盆底肌肉運動之效果。研究方法採單組重復測量的準實驗設計。抽樣方法為立意取樣,樣本來源為臺北地區4個公、私立長期照護機構,總計收案12人。研究對象接受每週3次、為期8週的漸近式骨盆底肌肉運動訓練。研究結果如下:(1)在基本屬性、失禁狀況(失禁嚴重度、失禁期間及失禁頻率)與執行骨盆底肌肉運動效果之關係方面,除失禁狀況(失禁嚴重度、失禁期間及失禁頻率)與執行骨盆底肌肉運動的效果有顯著的相關外,餘均未達統計之顯著水準。(2)實施骨盆底肌肉運動計劃後顯著的減少漏尿童和失禁次數(Friedman test X□=22.17,X□=21.13,p<.01),但對排尿次數無顯著差異。(3)在自許療效方面亦有顯著的差異(中、後測sign test p=.0078,p=.0020)。建議未來從事:運動維持期效用的後續追蹤,與發展非侵入性的測量指標獲得更多客觀資料以擴大對運動訓練的解釋。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of pelvic floor exercise in treating stress incontinence in residents of long-term care facilities. A repeated measure pre-experimental design was used for this study. Convenience sampling was employed to select 12 subjects who were from four public and private long-term care institutions in the metropolitan Taipei area. Subjects performed graded pelvic floor exercise three times a week for 8 weeks. Data was collected before and after four-week and eight-week programs. Descriptive analysis as well as the X□test, Wilcoxon twosample test, Friedman test, median test, sign test, Spearman correlation, and Wilcoxon signed-rank test were used to analyze the data. The results were as follows: (1) There were correlations between incontinence situation variables (including severity, duration and frequency of incontinence) and the effectiveness of exercise, but no correlations of any significance were found between demographic variables and the effectiveness of exercise; (2) after performing pelvic floor exercise, there were significantly less volume and frequency of urine leakage (Friedman test: x □ = 22.17, X□= 21.13, p < .01), with no significant decrease in the frequency of urination; (3) subjects self~reported significant improvement of urine incontinence (Sign test, p < .01). Further studies on the effectiveness of regularly performing these exercises over longer periods of time and developing less-invasive measures to assess the effectiveness of pelvic floor exercises are recommended.







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