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本研究主要的目的是:1.設計一套國中生適用的幽默融入教材、教學方法與教學風格的數學創意課程;2.探討「幽默式創意數學教學」對國中學生數學學習成效的影響;3.了解「幽默式創意數學教學」對國中學生幽默感的影響;4.分析「幽默式創意數學教學」對國中學生創造力之影響;5.提出具體建議,作為國中階段推動幽默融入數學領域之參考。 本研究採「不等組前測-後測」準實驗設計,以台北市某國中79名國一學生為研究對象,實驗組分成普通班與美術班各一班,共50位學生,對照組一班共29位學生。以「數學態度量表」、「多向度幽默感量表」及「新編創造思考測驗」作為了解研究對象的數學學習成效、幽默感與創造力之工具,以前後測的得分,進行單因子共變數分析考驗研究假設。研究者運用「課程回饋問卷」、「學生課堂作品表現」、「教學省思札記」、「實驗組學生訪談結果」,進行教學歷程分析。根據結果,主要發現如下: 一、幽默可以自然地融入數學教學:1. 本實驗教學主張幽默教學分成三個階段,分別是醞釀期、嘗試期與實行期;2. 本實驗教學歸納四種幽默的融入方式,包括教學策略融入式、主題融入式、班級經營融入式及隨機融入式。 二、「幽默式創意數學教學」對國中生數學學習成效之影響:1.本實驗教學未能提升國中生數學態度之學習數學的信心、數學有用性、數學探究動機、對數學成功的態度、數學焦慮;2. 本實驗教學未能顯著提升國中生段考數學成績,但實驗組班級數學成績未退步。 三、「幽默式創意數學教學」對國中生幽默感之影響:1.本實驗教學能提升普通班國中生社交中幽默能力、幽默因應、對幽默的態度與笑的傾向;2. 本實驗教學未能提升美術班國中生幽默理解、幽默創造、社交中幽默能力、幽默因應、對幽默的態度與笑的傾向。 四、「幽默式創意數學教學」對國中生創造力之影響:1.本實驗教學能提升國中生語文流暢力、變通力、獨創力;2.本驗教學能提升國中生圖形獨創力、精進力;3. 本實驗教學未能提升國中生圖形流暢力、變通力。 五、「幽默式創意數學教學」能激發學生創造潛能與幽默創造能力,提高學習的興趣;引發正向的情緒,降低考試壓力,幫助數學的學習,並願意將幽默運用至日常生活中。 最後,研究者提出教學及未來相關研究之建議,作為學校教師進行幽默教學以及未來研究的參考。
The purpose of this study were:1) to design a “humor teaching into the teaching material, method, and style of math curriculum” program suitable for junior high school students; 2) to investigate the effect of the program on junior high school students’ learning effectiveness of math, sense of humor, and creativity; 3) to provide suggestions for the implementation of humor into math curriculum in junior high school. The design of nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group, as quasi-experiment design, was applied to the study. There are totally 50 students in the experiment group, containing a regular class and an art class, and 29 students in the comparison group. The instruments utilized to examine the students’ learning effectiveness of math, sense of humor, and creativity were “math attitude scale”, “multidimensional sense of humor scale”, and “New Creativity Test”. The collected data were analyzed by one-way ANCOVA. The researcher conducted the analysis of the instructional process by “feedback questionnaire”, “students’ work”, “teaching reflective journal”, and “interview data from students in the experiment group”. The findings were presented as the following: 1. Humor teaching strategies could be applied to the math curriculum under natural circumstances. It was found that humor teaching can be divided into three stages, and that there are four ways to conduct a humor teaching into math curriculum. 2. As for creativity, students in experimental group demonstrated remarkable superiority in linguistic fluency, flexibility, originality, figure originality and elaboration over those in comparison group. 3. As for sense of humor, students of regular class in the experimental group demonstrated significant superiority in using humor in social context, humor coping, the attitude toward humor, and the tendency of laugh. 4. As for learning effectiveness of math, there were no significant improvement on students’ performance; however, there were no regress either. 5. Students’ creative potential and ability on humorous creativity, as well as their learning interest and positive emotion were enhanced by the program. Based on the result of this study, the researcher also provided several suggestions for further development of humor schooling and research.



幽默, 創造力, 數學學習成效, 創意教學, humor, creativity, mathematic learning performance, creativity teaching





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