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研 究 生:皋崇道
摘 要
人的一生如果像是鮭魚返鄉,用盡畢生的精力只為了回到原生地,產下鮭魚卵並結束生命,這樣的力爭上游,在外人看來似乎不智,但如果這是鮭魚的生命遊戲,那麼,遊戲所追求的價值,恐怕也只有身處其中的鮭魚能理解。對於布爾迪厄(Pierre Bourdieu, 1930-2002)的社會論述,同樣揭示出社會人對於力爭上游的一種無意識的權力追求,社會位階的差異成為社會人共同的遊戲價值,或許到頭來感覺一場空,但對於尚未到達終點的人,可能無法參透,畢竟當下的時空氛圍,讓他認同這樣的遊戲,樂在其中。本研究透過個人從事單車遊戲歷程的反思,歸納出四個階段,也呼應國內單車發展的樣貌,並形成自我單車遊戲感的四部曲:「晉升」成為單車人、「規訓」成為單車人、「秀異」成為單車人、「慣習」成為單車人。而在這樣斷裂的個人單車經驗的演變過程中,本文將以布爾迪厄的遊戲感來探究這種無意識的偶然性歷程。因此,本文首先採取傅科(Michel Foucault, 1926-1984)的系譜學方式來探究當代台灣單車發展的歷程;繼而透過布爾迪厄的象徵權力與傅科的規訓觀來探究自我單車經驗的四部曲,而研究的結果發現:以遊戲感的概念正可描繪出四部曲:晉升、規訓、秀異、慣習中那種看似各自分立其實相互作用的權力關係。
Tetralogy of Autonomous Cycling Game: Promotion, Discipline, Distinction and Habitus January, 2014 Kao, Chung-Tao. Advisor:Liu, I-Min. Abstract Comparing people’s life to salmon which exhaust all their energy in order to return to the exact spot where they were born to spawn; from other’s point of view, to struggle their entire life like that doesn’t seem wise. However, if it is a game of life which is designed particularly for salmon, then it is understood that the merit salmon pursuit can only be identified by them. In Pierre Bourdieu’s social theories, he revealed that people often unconsciously struggle for power, the class distinctions have become all human’s common game plan, maybe one will feel void in the end, but for those who haven’t reached their final goal, may never realize. After all, surrounded by the atmosphere, people will eventually fit in and enjoy the game. In this study, I have examined my personal experience of cycling game. The four phases of my play which I have generalized were parallel with the different stages of cycling history in our country. My tetralogy of autonomous cycling game are: to “promote” myself to a cyclist; to “discipline” myself to become a cyclist; to “distinguish” myself from other cyclists, and to mold myself into a “habitual” cyclist. Based on my fractured (discontinuous) process of personal cycling history, this study used Pierre Bourdieu’s “sense of play” to probe this unconscious and random process. Therefore, this study firstly adapted Michel Foucault’s genealogy to search contemporary cycling history of Taiwan; secondly, Bourdieu’s theory of symbolic power and Foucault’s disciplinary power were used to explore my tetralogy of autonomous cycling game. This study revealed that the four phases of autonomous cycling game as mentioned above was pictured out through the concept of game, a game which was filled with all sorts of apparently independent but yet interactive power struggle. Key words: sense of play, cycling experience, promotion, discipline, distinction, habitus.
Tetralogy of Autonomous Cycling Game: Promotion, Discipline, Distinction and Habitus January, 2014 Kao, Chung-Tao. Advisor:Liu, I-Min. Abstract Comparing people’s life to salmon which exhaust all their energy in order to return to the exact spot where they were born to spawn; from other’s point of view, to struggle their entire life like that doesn’t seem wise. However, if it is a game of life which is designed particularly for salmon, then it is understood that the merit salmon pursuit can only be identified by them. In Pierre Bourdieu’s social theories, he revealed that people often unconsciously struggle for power, the class distinctions have become all human’s common game plan, maybe one will feel void in the end, but for those who haven’t reached their final goal, may never realize. After all, surrounded by the atmosphere, people will eventually fit in and enjoy the game. In this study, I have examined my personal experience of cycling game. The four phases of my play which I have generalized were parallel with the different stages of cycling history in our country. My tetralogy of autonomous cycling game are: to “promote” myself to a cyclist; to “discipline” myself to become a cyclist; to “distinguish” myself from other cyclists, and to mold myself into a “habitual” cyclist. Based on my fractured (discontinuous) process of personal cycling history, this study used Pierre Bourdieu’s “sense of play” to probe this unconscious and random process. Therefore, this study firstly adapted Michel Foucault’s genealogy to search contemporary cycling history of Taiwan; secondly, Bourdieu’s theory of symbolic power and Foucault’s disciplinary power were used to explore my tetralogy of autonomous cycling game. This study revealed that the four phases of autonomous cycling game as mentioned above was pictured out through the concept of game, a game which was filled with all sorts of apparently independent but yet interactive power struggle. Key words: sense of play, cycling experience, promotion, discipline, distinction, habitus.
遊戲感, 單車經驗, 晉升, 規訓, 秀異, 慣習, sense of play, cycling experience, promotion, promotion, distinction, habitus