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Based on the self-determination theory, this study aimed to investigate the relationships among Taiwanese adolescents' perceptions of adolescent-parent career congruence, autonomy support, career choice motivation, and major satisfaction. In this study, adolescent-parent career congruence is regarded as the independent variable, and major satisfaction is the dependent variable, exploring the mediated effect of career choice motivation. If the mediated effect is significant, further investigation is conducted to determine whether autonomy support and other parental behaviors moderate the mediating effect of career choice motivation, verifying the existence of a moderated mediation model.The study focused on Taiwanese individuals aged 18 to 29 who had attended domestic tertiary institutions, ultimately gathering 688 valid responses. The results indicate:(1) Males exhibited significantly higher levels of major satisfaction than females, and those admitted through distribution showed greater adolescent-parent career congruence than Fanxing recommenders. Moreover, compared to those planning to leave fields related to their majors or who were uncertain, those planning to remain in fields related to their majors demonstrated lower levels of adolescent-parent career congruence, autonomy support, career action support, and major satisfaction.(2) Most of the correlations between variables are significant. Only the correlation between adolescent-parent career congruence and controlled motivation is not significant.(3) Autonomous motivation mediated the relationship between adolescent-parent career congruence and major satisfaction, whereas controlled motivation did not. As for the model in which the predictive power of similarity congruence and complementary congruence is mediated, the mediating effects of autonomous motivation and controlled motivation are both significant.(4) In the model where autonomous motivation mediated adolescent-parent career congruence and academic major satisfaction, autonomy support, controlled parenting, and career action support demonstrated moderation effects. The same moderation effect can be found in the model where autonomous motivation mediated complementary congruence and academic major satisfaction. However, only autonomy support and career action support exhibited moderation effects in the model where autonomous motivation mediated similarity congruence predicting academic major satisfaction. Finally, regarding the mediating effect of controlled motivation, no parental behaviors served as moderators.The study ultimately examined the moderated mediation model of adolescent-parent career congruence, autonomy support, career choice motivation, and major satisfaction, providing a comprehensive discussion from the perspectives of self-determination theory and collectivist culture. Finally, recommendations were made for internal career counseling and parental education: (1) Promoting dialogue between parents and adolescents on career-related topics through career education; (2) Addressing congruence while simultaneously enhancing the impact of autonomous and controlled motivations on adolescents' career choices; (3) Enhancing the emphasis on autonomy support and career action support in parental education.



青少年─家長生涯一致性, 科系選擇動機, 科系滿意度, 自主性支持, 自我決定論, adolescent-parent career congruence, major choice motivation, major satisfaction, autonomy support, self-determination theory





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