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本研究的主要目的,是以「老化態度」及「老年準備」之概念架構,探索中高齡單身女性關於老化的生命經驗,希望藉由中高齡單身女性的自身經驗,來理解她們對老化的意義詮釋以及所從事的老年準備情形。 本研究採質性研究方法,以立意抽樣之方式,找尋年齡介於40-65歲之間,未曾結過婚且經濟資源豐富的單身女性,以半結構式的深度訪談,並以敘說分析的方法加以分析,研究結果如下: 一、中高齡單身女性單身的心理歷程是實現自我價值的過程,在適婚年齡時,不願受到傳統社會文化對於女性的期待束縛,為了保有完整的自我而選擇保持單身。 二、中高齡單身女性對於老化的態度是由生理、心理及社會等多方面所構成,在生理面向多呈現負面的評價;心理方面則是認為身老身不老以正向態度接受老化,並了解死亡是生命的一部分、必經的人生旅途,把握當下,珍惜每一刻;社會方面在家庭關係中持續扮演「女兒」的角色,並重視家庭關係及朋友網絡。 三、中高齡單身女性從事的老年準備內容中,包括「財務方面」、「健康方面」、「人際方面」、「居住安排」以及「臨終安排」,其中準備程度較高的是「財務方面以及「健康」方面的準備。 關鍵字:中高齡單身女性、老化態度、老年準備
Research on the attitude toward aging and preparation for aging of single women at middle and advanced ages English Abstract Thesis Advisor: Dr. Mei-Wen Wang Student: Man-Tseng Hsu The subject of thesis is based on the attitude toward aging and preparation for aging. I am going to discover the experience of single women at the advanced ages; understand what aging means to them and how they cope with aging through self experience of women at the middle and advanced ages. This thesis is done by qualitative research and judgmental sampling; target at wealthy but unmarried women at the age in the range of 40 – 65 through semi structured interviewsand narrative analysis. The result is as below, 1.Because single unmarried women at middle and advanced ages are unwilling to avoid social conventional constraints, their physiologic behavior is to fulfill self-worth and therefore they tend to stay single in order to preserve self-integrity. 2.Attitude of Women at middle and advanced ages towards aging comprises physiology, psychology, and sociology; on the physiological side, they tend to be more pessimistic; on the psychological side, they are being positive that their body ages but their mind does not age and realize that death is one of the parts in one’s life so they have to cherish every moment of their lives; on the sociological side, they carry on the role of being a daughter and value the network of family and friends. 3.For preparation for aging, women at middle and advanced ages focus on finance, health, interpersonal relationship, and death. Mostly, they pay more attention to finance and health. Key Words: single women at middle and advanced ages, attitude toward aging, preparation for aging



中高齡單身女性, 老化態度, 老年準備, single women at middle and advanced ages, attitude toward aging, preparation for aging





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