
dc.contributor余   鑑zh_TW
dc.contributor于 俊 傑zh_TW
dc.contributorYu, Chienen_US
dc.contributorYu, Chin-Chehen_US
dc.contributor.authorYeh, Huan-Wenen_US
dc.description.abstract在彼得•聖吉的《第五項修練》中所談的團隊學習方法「深度匯談」,其具體實施就是Juanita Brown與David Isaacs共同提出的「世界咖啡館」。世界咖啡館自1995年開始在世界各地推展,2005年作者Juanita Brown及其作者群將其在世界各地推展的經驗寫成著作,2007年《世界咖啡館》中文版上市,台灣各界漸漸普及使用此法做為組織關鍵議題溝通、集體智慧探詢、組織共識凝聚的重要工具。而企業的教育訓練在人力資源管理中,扮演相當重要的角色,但如何證明訓練有所成效,仍是從事訓練工作人員最關切的課題。本研究除了以教學目標作為學員完訓後應達到的評鑑標準之外,也考慮到在學習歷程中,尚有許多超乎訓練者初始預期之行為。因此,本研究依個案公司參與運用世界咖啡館模式課程的業務主管為研究對象,以Kilpatrick(1951)主張的同時學習原則,將學習分為主學習、副學習和附學習,來探討世界咖啡館匯談方式於主管訓練課程的訓練成效與其所帶來之非預期性的影響。研究結果希望能讓往後欲採用世界咖啡館進行教育訓練的企業作為借鏡,以其所帶來之效果,補自身公司所需之處。經資料分析結果,茲分述如下: 一、世界咖啡館匯談方式於主管管理訓練課程其主學習皆能達成原設定之認知、技能、情意的課程目標。 二、學員參與課程後能產生與課程主題有關的思想和觀念以及在過程中養成學習的理想態度並思考將世界咖啡館應用於其它主題中且注意其關鍵學習要素。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAs mentioned in Peter M Senge’s The Fifth Discipline, the implementation of team learning “ Deep Dialogue” is “World Cafe”, which was co-stated by Juanita Brown and David Isaacs. World Cafe was promoted throughout the world since 1995. Juanita Brown and their authors consolidated all promoting experiences all over the world in 2005, and published the Chinese version of World Cafe in 2007. Gradually, World Café has been used as the vital device for the key issue communication of organization, the inquiry of collective wisdom, consensus cohesion of organization in Taiwan. Corporate training in human resource management plays a very important role; however, how to verify the effective of training is the most concerned subject for the training staffs. In this study, the teaching objective is not only the evaluation criteria for trainees after finishing training, the learning process, which there are many initial expected behaviors beyond the trainees, but also take into account. Therefore, the use of participation in accordance with the case company that the sales managers of the world cafe model curriculum for the study object-based learning advocated by William Heard Kilpatrick (1951), while learning principles, primary learning, associate learning and concomitant learning, to explore the world café Meeting to talk about the way in charge of training courses, training effectiveness, and they bring the impact of the unexpected. The study result is expected to be references for the corporate adopting world café as training device in the future, and help them make up their own shortages. The data analysis is described as follows: 1.World Cafe Dialogue, implementing in management training course, can accomplish original course objectives of cognitive、psychomotor、affective for main learning. 2.Trainees not only are able to generate ideas and concepts related to the course topic, but also develop the ideal attitude to think and notice these key learning elements of World Café to apply to other topics.en_US
dc.subjectWorld caféen_US
dc.subjecttraining effectiveness of the learningen_US
dc.titleThe Research of Implementing Effectiveness of World Café Dialogue for Managerial Level Management Trainingen_US

