3.研究對象使用保險套行為的態度、主觀規範可有效解釋使用保險套行為意向18.7%的變異量,加入自我效能,則顯著增加對行為意向11.3%的解釋量,對使用保險套行為意向之整體解釋力為30%。 三個變項之中以自我效能的影響力最高,其次是主觀規範,態度最低。
The purpose of this study was to understand the behavioral intention of using condom of vocational high school students in Taipei City,and to find effective factors to predict the behavioral intention of using condoms.The main test models were Theory of Reasoned Action and self-efficacy to investigate the relationship between vocational high school students used condom behavioral intentions and its related factors.The sample was selected by stratified proportional random sampling from seven vocational schools in Taipel City. The total number of subjects participated in the study were 807. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the data for this study.The main findings of this study were as follows: 1.The vocational high school students who has sexual experience is 19% and the male students were more than females,the first no use of condom on sexual behavior was 46%. 2.Around 66.3% of respondent showed the positive behavioral to intention of using condom. 3.The attitude and subjective norm could effectively explained 18.7% of variance of the intention of using condom ;self-efficacy added 11.3% explanation power. Thus, the explanation power of these three variables accounted for 30% Among them, self-efficacy affect the behavioral intention most, followed by subjective norm and then attitude. 4.There were singnificant positive correlations between attitudes and the product of behavioral beliefs multiplied by evaluations of outcomes.And there were also significant positive correlations between subject norms and the product of normative beliefs multiplied by motivation to comply. 5.There were significant differences between respondents with the intention of using condom and respondents without the intention of using condom in behavioral beliefs, evaluations of outcomes, normaive beliefs, motivations to comply, and self-efficacy. 6.The results supported the hypothesis that a combination of Theory of Reasoned Action and Self-efficacy could successfully predict the behavioral intention on use condom.
The purpose of this study was to understand the behavioral intention of using condom of vocational high school students in Taipei City,and to find effective factors to predict the behavioral intention of using condoms.The main test models were Theory of Reasoned Action and self-efficacy to investigate the relationship between vocational high school students used condom behavioral intentions and its related factors.The sample was selected by stratified proportional random sampling from seven vocational schools in Taipel City. The total number of subjects participated in the study were 807. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the data for this study.The main findings of this study were as follows: 1.The vocational high school students who has sexual experience is 19% and the male students were more than females,the first no use of condom on sexual behavior was 46%. 2.Around 66.3% of respondent showed the positive behavioral to intention of using condom. 3.The attitude and subjective norm could effectively explained 18.7% of variance of the intention of using condom ;self-efficacy added 11.3% explanation power. Thus, the explanation power of these three variables accounted for 30% Among them, self-efficacy affect the behavioral intention most, followed by subjective norm and then attitude. 4.There were singnificant positive correlations between attitudes and the product of behavioral beliefs multiplied by evaluations of outcomes.And there were also significant positive correlations between subject norms and the product of normative beliefs multiplied by motivation to comply. 5.There were significant differences between respondents with the intention of using condom and respondents without the intention of using condom in behavioral beliefs, evaluations of outcomes, normaive beliefs, motivations to comply, and self-efficacy. 6.The results supported the hypothesis that a combination of Theory of Reasoned Action and Self-efficacy could successfully predict the behavioral intention on use condom.
使用保險套行為意向, 理性行動論, 自我效能, behavioral intention of using condom, Theory of Reasoned Action, self-efficacy