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本研究旨在透過行動研究的方法,逐步實踐偏鄉小校國小教師須兼顧學科知識的架構與內容和混合低年段年齡學生學習需求的混齡教學,在課堂中所遭遇的困境並尋求改善之道的歷程。本研究以研究者所任教學校之一、二年級學生,男生三位、女生三位,共六位,及研究者本人為研究對象。透過現場錄影的方式,並蒐集教師教學日誌、每單元課程計畫、學生作業與作品、省思札記等文件資料,進行分析。混齡教學轉變歷程共分為五個階段,依據課程進行方式、課程實施所遭遇的問題、研擬改善策略並施行,三個面向的轉變而進入不同的研究階段。主要研究結果如下:一、班級經營規劃: 從失去專用英語教室為始,對教室課桌椅等硬體設備的適應與持續地調整,並在班級教室中尋找適當空間進行英語相關佈置。為吸引學生的專注力,以扭蛋機選取座位號碼並使用代幣制;為增加學生實際使用問候語的機會,製作名牌卡輔助。從每節課由教師點名至每位學生輪流擔任點名者,到代幣制度逐漸退場,以非物質的鼓勵取代物質性的獎賞,最終學生展現熱烈參與並樂在學習的風貌。二、成績評量規劃:配合校內行政系統仍以量化為主的成績計算,輔以質性的文字記錄學生日常學習表現,將成績等第與學習評語並陳,重視學生的個別差異與進步,而不是採單一的評量標準。三、教材設計規劃:教師除了以混齡課程地圖為學習依據,按部就班地設計教學課程計畫之外,隨著學生的學習表現,教學信心逐漸增加,進而嘗試將各學習單元內容界線打破,融合與獨立並存。文末,依據本研究歷程與結果進行討論,並對未來欲進行混齡教學的偏鄉小校提出實務相關建議,以供參考。
This research aims to improve a rural elementary school English teacher’s multi-age teaching skills in a class of first and second graders by using the action research method. Researcher, as a teacher who has never been trained to teach in a multi-grade class, has to considerd not only the English subject curriculum but also the differences of children’s learning development. Moreover, there are still some other difficulties to overcome. Six children (3 boys and 3 girls) and the researcher participated in this study. Data collected and analyzed by video-recording, teacher’s teaching diary, teaching plans, students’ pieces of work, assignments, and teacher’s reflective teaching journal. There are five stages of the whole teaching process andthe study mainly focuses on effective strategies and three main problems including the class management, the assessment, and the design of teaching plans. The results are as follows. To begin with, without the English classroom, researcher’s teaching strategy started from the desks arrangements, the physical surroundings, and children grouping, all has a great influence on the class atmosphere. The token economy was used at the beginning but faded away eventually. Furthermore, not being able to change the traditional quantitative analysis, researcher tried to focus on children’s individual learning progress qualitatively. Finally, researcher had successfully designed the new multi-age teaching plans with the textbook and made a transformation by breaking the boundaries of each unit. Moreover, the research provides practical references for the teachers who also need to teach in an English multi-age classroom and suggestions for the future research.
This research aims to improve a rural elementary school English teacher’s multi-age teaching skills in a class of first and second graders by using the action research method. Researcher, as a teacher who has never been trained to teach in a multi-grade class, has to considerd not only the English subject curriculum but also the differences of children’s learning development. Moreover, there are still some other difficulties to overcome. Six children (3 boys and 3 girls) and the researcher participated in this study. Data collected and analyzed by video-recording, teacher’s teaching diary, teaching plans, students’ pieces of work, assignments, and teacher’s reflective teaching journal. There are five stages of the whole teaching process andthe study mainly focuses on effective strategies and three main problems including the class management, the assessment, and the design of teaching plans. The results are as follows. To begin with, without the English classroom, researcher’s teaching strategy started from the desks arrangements, the physical surroundings, and children grouping, all has a great influence on the class atmosphere. The token economy was used at the beginning but faded away eventually. Furthermore, not being able to change the traditional quantitative analysis, researcher tried to focus on children’s individual learning progress qualitatively. Finally, researcher had successfully designed the new multi-age teaching plans with the textbook and made a transformation by breaking the boundaries of each unit. Moreover, the research provides practical references for the teachers who also need to teach in an English multi-age classroom and suggestions for the future research.
混齡教學, 英語教學, 偏鄉教育, 行動研究, multi-age teaching, English teaching, rural education, action research