

中文摘要 本研究在探討大學生的同居態度,及大學生同居經驗與心理福祉之相關研究。採分層叢集非隨機抽樣台灣公私立大專院校之學生進行問卷調查,刪除廢卷共得2,869份有效的樣本。研究工具包含『同居態度量表』、『社會支持量表』、『心理福祉量表』以及『同居經驗問卷』、『個人基本資料』,並以SPSS11.5進行資料分析,再以描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、多元階層迴歸分析、區別分析來進行統計考驗。分析結果如下: 一、現況 1.大學生對同居之態度傾向較為開放接受。 2.大學生有同居經驗的比例約為8%。 3.大學生最主要決定同居之原因為希望與對方在一起的時間可以更長。 4.在同居關係中,大學生感受到最主要的困擾與壓力為擔心自己或對方懷孕。 5.不同同居經驗之大學生在心理福祉上並無顯著差異存在。 6.在同居關係中,知覺人際關係變疏遠之同居大學生的心理福祉顯著低於知覺 人際關係未改變或變更好之同居大學生。 7.相較於主動尋求父母的支持,大學生主動尋求朋友支持的程度較高。 二、同居態度之分析 1.相較於女大學生,男大學生對同居之態度顯著較為開放。 2.基督教信仰之大學生對同居之態度比無宗教信仰、佛教、道教以 及民間信仰之大學生來的顯著保守。 3.獨自在外租屋之大學生的同居態度比與家人同住或居住學生宿舍之 大學生來的顯著開放。 4.父母離婚之大學生對同居之態度較父母維持婚姻之大學生來的開放。 5.有同居經驗之大學生對同居之態度較從未有同居經驗之大學生來的 開放。 三、同居經驗之分析 1.一年級之大學生在有同居經驗的比例上顯著低於二、三、四年級之大 學生。 2.男大學生有同居經驗之比例上顯著高於女大學生。 3.不同學校類型之大學生在同居經驗上有顯著差異,但經由事後比較無 任兩組有顯著差異。 4獨自在外租屋之大學生在有同居經驗的比例上顯著高於與家人同住、 居住學生宿舍之大學生。 四、社會支持之分析 正與戀人同居之大學生主動尋求家人支持的程度顯著低於從未有過同居經驗之大學生。 五、影響同居態度之因素 影響同居態度的因素是性別、宗教信仰、戀愛經驗、性別角色態度以及同居經驗,其中以性別、戀愛經驗的影響力最大。 六、影響心理福祉之因素 影響大學生心理福祉的因素是同居經驗、知覺可支持家人數、主動尋求家人支持、主動尋求朋友支持,其中以主動尋求家人支持的影響力最大。 七、區別同居經驗之因素 大學生的戀愛經驗、性別角色態度、父母關係和諧度以及家庭社經地位對於同居經驗有顯著區別力。 本研究根據以上結果提出相關建議給予未來研究、大學生、大學生之家庭以及學校教育。 關鍵字:大學生/同居態度/同居經驗/心理福祉/社會支持
Abstract This paper aims to explore cohabitation attitude, cohabitation experience, and the corresponding level of psychological wellbeing for university students. Stratified cluster random sampling is applied to a pool of students currently enrolled in public and private universities and colleges in Taiwan to secure 2,869 valid questionnaire samples (not including invalid samples). Research tools include Cohabitation Attitude Scale, Social Support Scale, Psychological Wellbeing Scale, and Cohabitation Experience Questionnaire, and Personal Information Sheet. SPSS 11.5 is used in data analysis, followed by statistical testing via the means of descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way analysis of variance, multiple hierarchical regression analysis, and discriminant analysis. Analysis results are as follows: Ⅰ. The Current Situation 1. University students tend to have a more open attitude and higher acceptance toward the idea of cohabitation. 2. Approximately 8% of university students have cohabitation experience. 3. For university students, the greatest motivation in their decisions of cohabitation is the prospect of more time together with their lovers. 4. For university students, the greatest fear and worry in cohabitation is the prospect of pregnancy. 5. There is no marked difference in the level of psychological wellbeing for university students with different cohabitation experience. 6. For university students currently practicing cohabitation, those who perceive their interpersonal relationships as becoming diluted tend to have a markedly lower level of psychological wellbeing than those who perceive improvement or no difference in their interpersonal relationships. 7. A greater number of university students choose friend support over parental support. Ⅱ. Cohabitation Attitude Analysis 1. Compared to females, male university students have a markedly more open attitude toward the idea of cohabitation. 2. University students with Christian belief tend to display a markedly more conservative attitude toward the idea of cohabitation than those who believe in Buddhism, Taoism, and folk beliefs and those without religious belief. 3. University students who live alone in a rental home have a markedly more open attitude toward the idea of cohabitation than those who live with family or in a dormitory. 4. University students of divorced parents tend to have a more open attitude toward the idea of cohabitation than those of married parents. 5. University students with cohabitation experience tend to have a more open attitude toward the idea of cohabitation than those with no such experience. Ⅲ. Cohabitation Experience Analysis 1. Compared to sophomores, juniors, and seniors, a markedly lower number of freshmen have cohabitation experience. 2. Compared to females, a markedly higher number of male university students have cohabitation experience. 3. There are marked differences in cohabitation experience between students of universities of different nature, yet posteriori comparison shows no marked difference between any two groups of university students. 4. Compared to university students who live with family or in a dormitory, a markedly greater number of those who live alone in a rental home have cohabitation experience. Ⅳ. Social Support Analysis Compared to university students with no cohabitation experience, a markedly lower number of those currently practicing cohabitation would actively seek family support. Ⅴ. Factors affecting Cohabitation Attitude Factors involved in cohabitation attitude include gender, religious belief, love experience, gender role attitude, and cohabitation experience. Gender and love experience are the top two influential factors. Ⅵ. Factors affecting Psychological Wellbeing Factors involved in psychological wellbeing include cohabitation experience, perceived number of available family support, active pursuit of family support, and active pursuit of friend support. Active pursuit of family support is the most influential factor. Ⅶ. Differentiating Factors in Cohabitation Experience Factors such as love experience, gender role attitude, level of harmony between parents, and family social-economic status all serve to differentiate cohabitation experience for university students. Based on the findings above, this paper provides suggestions for future research, university students, and family and school education for university students. Key Words: university students, cohabitation attitude, cohabitation experience, psychological wellbeing, social support



大學生, 同居態度, 同居經驗, 心理福祉, 社會支持, university students, cohabitation attitude, cohabitation experience, psychological wellbeing, social support





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