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員工是企業內最重要的資產,顧客導向行為是企業獲利的重要關鍵因素,藉由員工將最有價值的服務以適當的情緒勞務傳遞給顧客,以增進企業服務品質,提升企業的競爭優勢與經營績效,達到永續經營的目標,員工雖是小螺絲但卻扮演著企業成功與否的關鍵角色。因而,本研究探討第一線站務人員人格特質、情緒勞務與顧客導向行為之關係。採問卷調查方式進行實證研究,以T公司站務人員為研究對象,發放問卷250份,有效回收問卷210份,回收率84%,利用SPSS 20.0以及AMOS 20.0統計軟體,透過敘述性統計分析、驗證性因素分析及結構方程模型(SEM)進行資料分析驗證。研究結果顯示:1、外向性人格特質與「情緒勞務」之深層飾演及表層飾演皆具有正相關。2、神經質人格特質與「情緒勞務」之深層飾演及表層飾演皆具有負相關。3、「情緒勞務」之深層飾演與顧客導向行為具有正相關。4、在「情緒勞務」仲介下外向性人格特質與「顧客導向行為」具有正相關,但神經質人格特質與「顧客導向行為」具有負相關。針對本研究結果,提出建議:1、在人事聘用上,可以考慮聘用外向性較強,神經質較少的人員,以增進員工顧客導向行為;2、訓練員工能在深層與表層飾演拿揑較恰當,以增進員工顧客導向行為而提昇服務品質。
Customer-oriented behavior is an important factor in the service sectors of the transportation enterprise. Based on person-enviornment fit theory, employees’ emotion reaction to customers’ interaction is related to their emotion labor (i.e., deep or surface acting) toward serving; moreover, their personality also affect themselves to be deep or surface acting. As the transportation front workers face various people, how their emotion labor affect service was subjected to a questionnaire survey in this study. Confirmatory factor analysis with structural equation modeling was applied to analyze the data collected from a MRT company. The results of this study indicated that participants with extravert personality could positively predict their behavior in deep and surface actings; on the other hand, participants with neurotic personality could negatively predict their service behavior in deep and surface actings. Moreover, deep acting of emotion labor could positively predict their customer-oriented behavior. In addition, under the mediation of emotion labor, participants’ extravert personality was positively related to customer- oriented service, but their neurotic personality was negatively related to customer- oriented service. The implication of this study suggested that personel selection or recruiting for transportation front workers should consider hire employees with high level of extravert personality. Besides, some training might offer to current employees to practice approprieate acting to deal with different customers. As such, the quality of service could be expected to be enhanced and to reduce the complaints from coutomers.
Customer-oriented behavior is an important factor in the service sectors of the transportation enterprise. Based on person-enviornment fit theory, employees’ emotion reaction to customers’ interaction is related to their emotion labor (i.e., deep or surface acting) toward serving; moreover, their personality also affect themselves to be deep or surface acting. As the transportation front workers face various people, how their emotion labor affect service was subjected to a questionnaire survey in this study. Confirmatory factor analysis with structural equation modeling was applied to analyze the data collected from a MRT company. The results of this study indicated that participants with extravert personality could positively predict their behavior in deep and surface actings; on the other hand, participants with neurotic personality could negatively predict their service behavior in deep and surface actings. Moreover, deep acting of emotion labor could positively predict their customer-oriented behavior. In addition, under the mediation of emotion labor, participants’ extravert personality was positively related to customer- oriented service, but their neurotic personality was negatively related to customer- oriented service. The implication of this study suggested that personel selection or recruiting for transportation front workers should consider hire employees with high level of extravert personality. Besides, some training might offer to current employees to practice approprieate acting to deal with different customers. As such, the quality of service could be expected to be enhanced and to reduce the complaints from coutomers.
人格特質, 情緒勞務, 顧客導向行為, 深層飾演, 表層飾演, Extraversion, Neuroticism, personality, emotion labor, deep acting, surface acting, customer-oriented behavior