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  本研究旨在探討高雄市國中學生課業壓力、休閒因應與自覺身心健康之間的影響關係,為達上述研究目的,本研究採問卷調查法進行資料的蒐集與分析,以「課業壓力量表」、「休閒因應信念量表」、「休閒因應策略量表」、「自覺身心健康量表」四個分量表共76題,作為研究工具。研究對象為高雄地區國中學生,以分層比例取樣方式,共655份有效問卷,有效問卷回收率為93.57%。正式施測後的統計方法包含有描述性統計分析、T-test、單因子變異數分析、多元迴歸分析及徑路分析。綜合文獻探討與本研究結果發現,獲得以下結論: 一、不同性別、補習與否之高雄市國中學生在課業壓力上產生影響。 二、不同性別、補習與否之高雄市國中學生在休閒因應信念上產生影響。 三、不同年級、家庭社經地位之高雄市國中學生在休閒因應策略上產生影響。 四、學業成績、同儕因素與學校課業三個來源的課業壓力對高雄市國中生的自覺身心健康有顯著負向影響。 五、高雄市國中學生的休閒因應信念與休閒因應策略對自覺身心健康有顯著正向影響。 六、同儕因素的課業壓力能透過休閒因應信念與休閒因應策略對自覺身心健康產生影響。   研究者依據本研究所獲得的結論對國中學生、父母親、學校單位及後續研究者提出相關建議以供參考。在國中生方面,建議國中學生應該培養正確看待成績之態度,於學習過程中了解自己的長處,並且應該適度安排休閒活動,發展良好同儕友伴關係;父母親方面,則建議應發掘孩子的優點與長處,鼓勵多元發展,進一步協助孩子安排適切的休閒生活;學校單位方面,建議學校安排之課程應具豐富性,安排適切之休閒教育課程與家庭休閒活動並協助學生找到成功經驗;對後續研究者則建議在研究工具及研究對象的選擇上可再調整。
The survey was to investigate the relationship among students’ academic stress, leisure coping, and health at Kaohsiung City Junior High school. In order to achieve this purpose of the study, the method adopted by questionnaire survey. The research tools included “Academic Stress Scale”, “Leisure Coping Belief Scale”, “Leisure Coping Strategies Scale” and “Self-Conscious Physical and Psychological Health Scale”. The participants were 655 at Kaohsiung area junior high school students, valid response rate of 93.57%. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, T-test, path analysis, multiple regression analysis, and one-way ANOVA. According to survey results, this study found that the following conclusions: 1.There are significant differences in academic stress due to the gender and tutorial or not at Kaohsiung City junior high school students. 2.According to different genders, the tutorial or not, the Kaohsiung City junior high school students have an impact on leisure coping beliefs. 3.According to different grades, socioeconomic status, the Kaohsiung City junior high school students have an impact on leisure coping strategies. 4.According to academic achievement, and peer factors with schoolwork three sources of academic stress have a significant negative impact of conscious physical and mental health of students in Kaohsiung City. 5.The Kaohsiung City junior high school students of leisure coping beliefs and leisure coping strategies have significant positive effects on physical and psychological health. 6.Academic stress through leisure coping beliefs and leisure coping strategies should be conscious physical and psychological health impact of peer factors. Based on the conclusions from this research, researchers could provide associated suggestions for junior high school students, their parents, schools, and follow-up researchers’ reference. As for junior high school students, it is suggested they develop right attitude toward academic achievements and realize their advantage during studying. Furthermore, they should arrange proper time for leisure activities and develop favorable peer relationships. For parents, it is recommended they value children’s advantages and merits, inspire them to develop diversified interests, and further assist them in arranging appropriate leisure activities. In respect of schools, it is proposed they schedule classes with rich content, including classes like leisure education and family recreation activities, and help students find successful experiences. With regard to follow-up researchers, it is suggested they make further adjustment in selecting research subjects and tools.



國中學生, 課業壓力, 休閒因應, 身心健康, Junior high school students, Academic stress, Leisure coping, Physical and psychological health





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