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本文從語義及語用的角度對現代漢語意願動詞「想」、「想要」、「要」這組近義詞,進行功能性的對比。這組詞由於意思和用法相近,使得外籍學習者常常有使用錯誤並出現難以掌握的情形。本研究著重於從認知的角度去探討現代漢語這三個意願動詞呈現的語意特徵、試圖找出三者的語義共性及殊異性,並逐一分析其句法搭配規則及語用上的表現。 研究中發現「想」、「想要」、「要」以助動詞的形式出現時,都具有「主觀的意願」義。「想」呈現的是靜態,隱藏於內心的意願。而「要」則是動態的,決定行動之意願。「想要」一詞是近代漢語演變過程中大量存在於口語中,卻被忽略的詞彙。趙元任(1984)認為「想要」跟「要想」都跟「想」同義,然而研究中也發現,從歷時的角度來追溯,它是從「欲」字演變而來。《現代漢語辭典》中“欲”的解釋為:想要、希望 , 如「欲蓋彌彰」,「欲加之罪,何患無辭」。雖然“想要”是由 “想”與“要”兩個獨立的詞所構成的,但它除了具有「強烈的嚮往」義之外,所呈現的主觀意願強弱也不同,因此「想要」應可成為「詞彙」而非僅是「想」義而已。 本文同時也以合作原則、禮貌策略等理論來探討「意願動詞組」在對話交際中所扮演的角色。希望透過分析使讀者對其語用功能能有更深入的了解。文末以「教學語法」之原則為指標,對目前市面上常用的漢語辭典進行相關內容之檢視,同時對詞典的編寫提出建議。
This thesis focuses upon the semantic and pragmatic analysis of the Chinese optative verbs “xiang,” “xiang yao,” and “yao.” Because these verbs share similar meaning and usage, foreign students often misunderstand and misuse them. This thesis seeks to tackle the problem from a cognitive perspective in order to further explore the shared similarity and difference among these verbs. Detailed pragmatic performance of these verbs will also be analyzed. This study finds that when these verbs serve as adverbs, they all call for subjective willing. “Xiang” presents the static, concealed will on mind; in contrast, “yao” is active and presents the will to act. But the common usage of “xiang yao,” though combining both “xiang” and “yao,” is very different from other verbs, and this difference is often overlooked. This thesis finds that “xiang yao” has a different, stronger will to act, and must be treated as an independent verb. Another focus of this study is to discuss the communicative roles of these optative verbs from the theory of cooperative principle and politeness strategy. Finally, this thesis uses pedagogical grammar index to examine common Chinese dictionaries and proposes some improvement advices.



意願動詞, , 想要, , 禮貌策略, 合作原則, Chinese optatives verbs, "xiang", "xiang yao", "yao", Politeness, cooperative principle





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