
dc.contributorTung, Chen-Yinen_US
dc.contributor.authorWu, Ching-Chingen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在瞭解我國中央機關及地方政府衛生單位的衛生稽查員工作壓力及職業疲勞現況,並探究在不同個人背景變項下,工作壓力與職業疲勞之相關性。本研究母群體為任職於我國之中央機關及地方政府衛生單位之衛生稽查員,並於全國的中央機關(食品藥物管理署)與地方政府衛生單位取得同意後進行問卷發放,採用線上google問卷及紙本問卷併行發放,擇一填寫,共計取得同意發放14個地方政府衛生單位及衛生福利部食品藥物管理署相關單位,回收紙本問卷141份,線上問卷83份,共計224份,刪除漏答無效問卷8份,獲得有效問卷216份(82.4%),使用IBM SPSS for windows 23.0版統計軟體進行統計分析。本研究主要發現如下: 一、研究對象的工作壓力為中等程度,其中壓力最大為「工作負荷」。在整體工作壓力方面,會因「年齡」、「稽查總年資」、「3個月均加班時數」的不同而有顯著差異,顯示在年齡方面,衛生稽查員介於41-50歲的壓力程度高於21-30歲者;在稽查總年資方面,衛生稽查員年資在5年(含)以上的壓力程度高於未滿2年者;在3個月內月均加班時數方面,衛生稽查員加班時數介於11-20小時的壓力程度高於10小時以下者。 二、研究對象的整體職業疲勞為中等偏高程度,會因「稽查總年資」、「3個月均加班時數」的不同而有顯著差異,事後比較年資組別間雖無顯著差異,但有部分證據(p = .052)顯示5年(含)以上的疲勞程度高於未滿2年者;在加班時數方面, 3個月內月均達41小時(含)以上的疲勞程度高於10小時以下者。 三、研究對象之工作壓力與職業疲勞間有顯著正相關,代表當研究對象在工作壓力的程度越高時,面對職業的疲勞程度也會越高。 本研究之重要發現皆顯示相關單位應關注衛生稽查員的工作條件,未來應採取有效措施減輕他們的工作壓力和職業疲勞,以提高工作效率和員工福祉。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to understand the current situation of work stress and burnout of health inspectors in central government agencies and local government health units in my country, and to explore the correlation between work stress and burnout under different personal background variables. The parent group of this study is the health inspectors who work in the central government agencies and local government health units in Taiwan, and after obtaining the consent of the national central government agencies (Food and Drug Administration) and local government health units, the online Google questionnaire and the paper questionnaire were distributed in parallel. You can choose to fill in the two. After contacting the relevant health units across Taiwan, a total of 14 local government health units and relevant units of the Food and Drug Administration of the Ministry of Health and Welfare were agreed to distribute. Subsequently, 141 paper questionnaires and 83 online questionnaires were recovered, totaling 224. 8 invalid questionnaires with missing answers were deleted, and a total of 216 valid questionnaires (82.4%) were recovered.Using IBM SPSS for windows version 23.0 statistical software.The main findings of this study are as follows:1. The work stress of the research subjects is moderate, with the highest stress being"workload". In terms of overall work pressure, there are significant differences based on "age", "total years of inspection", and "average overtime hours in 3 months". It shows that in terms of age, health inspectors are between The stress levels of 41-50 years old are higher than those of 21-30 years old; in terms of total years of inspection, the years of health inspectors are in the stress level of those with more than 5 years (inclusive) is higher than that of those with less than 2 years; in terms of the average monthly overtime hours within 3 months, the stress level of health inspectors who work overtime hours between 11-20 hours is higher than that of those with less than 10 hours .2. The occupational fatigue of the research subjects is moderate to high. In terms of overall occupational fatigue, there will be significant differences due to the difference in"total years of auditing" and "average number of overtime hours in 3 months". It is shown in the total years of auditing In terms of health inspectors, there is no significant difference between the seniority groups for two years, but there is some evidence (p = .052) that the fatigue level of those with more than 5 years (inclusive) is higher than that of those with less than 2 years; after 3 months In terms of average overtime hours per month, the fatigue level of health inspectors who work overtime for more than 41 hours (inclusive) is higher than that of those who work overtime for less than 10 hours.3. There is a significant positive correlation between the work stress of the research subjects and the occupational fatigue scale, which means that the higher the level of work stress of the research subjects, the higher the level of occupational fatigue.The important findings of this study show that health units should pay attention to the working conditions of health inspectors and take effective measures to reduce their work stress and occupational fatigue in the future to improve work efficiency and employee well-being.en_US
dc.subjectHealth Inspectorsen_US
dc.subjectWork Stressen_US
dc.titleRelationships between work stress and burnout among Health Inspectorsen_US

