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本研究主要在探討高職「校長知識領導」、「校長溝通行為」及「優質化執行成效」的關係。研究方法採用問卷調查及訪談法,以自行發展「高職校長知識領導及溝通行為對學校優質化執行成效影響」問卷以之作為研究工具。 研究對象為96到98學年實施高職優質化輔助118所學校的老師。抽樣其中所30所學校,每校40名老師。研究重要結論如下: 壹、校長本校年資越久,越有利於「校長知識領導」、「校長溝通行為」及「優質化執行成效」。 貳、教師年資越久,對於校長的知識領導越能知覺與支持。 参、教師兼任行政工作,越能知覺「校長知識領導」、「校長溝通行為」及「優質化執行成效」。 肆、私立學校教師較公立學校,越能知覺校長知識領導、溝通行為及優質化執行成效。 伍、中部地區教師對於「校長知識領導」、「校長溝通行為」及「優質化執行成效」知覺較低。 陸、家商類與工商類高職對於「校長知識領導」、「校長溝通行為」及「優質化執行成效」知覺較高。 柒、實施優質化年限越久,對於「優質化執行成效」知覺越低。 捌、「校長知識領導」、「校長溝通行為」與「優質化執行成效」彼此正相關。 玖、「校長知識領導」及「校長溝通行為」對於「優質化執行成效」皆具有預測力。 最後綜合問卷調查及訪談資料,歸納研究結論,並提出改進建議。
The study focuses on exploring the correlations among three factors, “Effect on School Excellent Actualization Program” “Knowledge Leadership” and “Communication Behaviors” of vocational high schools’ principals. The research instrument–“The questionnaire of Effect on School Excellent Actualization Program by Knowledge Leadership and Communication of Vocational High Schools” was executed. There were 30 high school teachers from 118 vocational high schools were participated in the investigation while the School Excellent Actualization Program was proceeding from 96 to 98 academic year. In particular, 40 teachers were selected from the targeted group and received the questionnaires. The conclusions are as follow: 1.The more working experience or higher the educational background a principal has, the better his knowledge leadership is. 2.The more working experience a teacher has, the better his or her awareness and support to the principal's knowledge leadership is. 3.If a teacher is assigned with administrative occupation, he or she can aware better of the effectiveness caused by the principal's knowledge leadership, communication behaviors and school excellent actualization program. 4.When comparing with public schools, private schools are better aware of the effect caused by the principal's knowledge leadership, communication behaviors and school excellent actualization program. 5.Teachers in the central part of Taiwan are worse aware of the effect caused by the principal's knowledge leadership, communication behaviors and school excellent actualization program. 6.Commerce-industry vocational high school and commerce-home economics vocational high schools are better aware of the effect caused by the principal's knowledge leadership, communication behaviors and excellent actualization program. 7.The longer excellent actualization program is been practiced, the less teachers' awareness of its effect is. 8.”Principal's Knowledge Leadership”, “Principal's Communication Behavior” and “Effect of Vocational High School’s Excellent Actualization Program” is positively correlate with each other. 9.“Principal’s Knowledge Leadership” “Principal’s Communication Behaviors” as the controlled variables, in multiple variables regression were held strongly predictable for the criterion variable “Effect of Vocational High School’s Excellent Actualization Program” in respect. Therefore promotion of “Principal’s Knowledge Leadership” and “Principal’s Communication Behaviors” induce higher effect of vocational high school’s excellent actualization program. Recommendations and suggestions for people involved in the educational sector were provided based on the research finding and conclusion.



知識領導, 溝通行為, 高職優質化輔助方案, knowledge leadership, communication behaviors, Vocational High Schools’ Excellent Actualization Program





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