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源於線上影音能提供使用者不同於傳統媒體、破除時空框架、內容多元且即時、可互動的傳播環境,當今的閱聽人越發傾向將影音娛樂的使用習慣寄託在線上平台上,也使得包含專業綜藝節目在內的傳統製作公司將其產製內容「上線」跳進線上場域中供人觀覽。本研究採取深度訪談法,將研究重心著眼於專業綜藝節目〈凹嗚狼人殺〉的線上社群運作,以全球最大的影音社群平台YouTube作為研究對象的行為發生場域,分析共14位線上忠實觀眾的數位影音使用習慣,及其專業綜藝節目的線上收視經驗。主要研究問題包含:YouTube平台所營造的收視環境對線上觀眾的收視行為產生何種影響、線上觀眾如何使用YouTube平台重塑的時間概念、專業綜藝節目吸引觀眾持續收看內容的因素為何,以及專業綜藝節目的線上社群具有哪些特徵等。 研究結果顯示,當線上使用者對平台的篩選機制和社群參與功能產生信任,會傾向信任平台提供的內容而簡化篩選和意見表達的行為,並更為重視線上的使用歷程中,能否依據生活需求去安排和重塑線上影音的收視時間。而相較於情感寄托,以娛樂為主要目的的線上綜藝節目社群成員重視包含社群意見在內的整體資訊內容,會自由選擇上線行為及社群互動的時間點,且更能接受支持社群內的差異言論,藉以獲得更多元有用的資訊內容。
Online-source based multimedia differs from conventional media sources in that it offers users a communications and broadcasting environment that breaks down temporal and spatial boundaries and provide abundant, instantaneous, and interactive content. Today's audience tends to project their habitual usage of multimedia entertainment to online platforms, forcing conventional content production companies – including variety show producers – to take their productions online and compete for viewers there. This research adopted the in-depth interview method and focused on the social media group's operational aspects for the professional variety show "Howl Werewolf Kill." YouTube was designated as the locus of behavior occurrence, and 14 loyal online audiences were targeted to analyze their usage habits and their experience with online viewing of professional variety shows. The main research questions are the following. How would the YouTube platform's viewing environment impact audience viewing behavior? How would online viewers use the YouTube platform to reshape the concept of time? What factors are attracting the audience of professional variety shows? Finally, what sort of characteristics do online communities of professional variety shows have? Research results show that, when online users generate a sense of trust towards the filtering mechanism and community participation functions of the platform, they tend to trust the platform's content and tend to simplify their behaviors in selections and expressions of opinion. They would also place more emphasis on the online user experience, and whether they could arrange and reshape their online multimedia viewing schedules according to their daily routines. Compared to emotional sustenance, entertainment-focused community members of online variety shows would tend to place more emphasis on group opinion and holistic information content. They would exercise freedom with their online behaviors and their opportunities to engage in community interaction. Diverse opinions within social community would also be more acceptable to members, who would be able to obtain more useful information content.



YouTube, 專業綜藝節目, 直播, 首播, 線上社群, YouTube, professional variety show, live, YouTube Premiere, online community





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