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本創作研究宗旨在探討以向量方式繪製的數位繪畫在海報設計上的表現和應用。同時以數位創作的型態從事創作研究,其創作的重點著重於探究如何在視覺傳達設計當中發揮及運用向量繪圖軟體的特長,以期幫助現代的設計者能夠更加釐清使用向量軟體在數位繪畫運用上的特色。 本研究共分為五部分,資簡述如下: 一、第一章 緒論: 說明本研究的動機與目的,並依研究方法和範圍限制擬定研究架構與流 程。 二、第二章 文獻探討: 探討向量形式繪畫的的定義和發展及現況。並分析其要素、媒材特性、 表現形態。 三、第三章 向量形式數位繪畫的分析: 將向量形式繪畫的技法、特色、表現方式與應用功能以實務物製作的方 式,分析其在視覺傳達設計當中的表現。 四、第四章 向量形式的數位繪畫在視覺傳達設計上的運用和表現: 將創作理念、創作作品與應用內容明確呈現,並針對創作作品整理分析 和研究。 五、第五章 結論與建議: 六、第六章 參考文獻:
The objective of this study is to discuss the application of vector-type digital graphics to poster designs. In the meanwhile, in order to assist the modern designers to understand more about the characteristics of vector function in the field of digital graphic designs, doing this research by creating digital graphic designs which emphases how to apply the of vector-type digital graphics to the visual communication designs. I. Introduction To present the motivation and objectives of this research, and to define the framework and procedure of the research according to its research methods and limitations. II. Discussion of previous studies To discuss the definition and development of the vector-type digital graphics, and to analyze its requirements, media and the form of display. III. Analysis of vector-type digital graphic designs To analyze the usage, characteristics and presentation of vector-type digital graphics applying to the visual communication design by putting into practice. IV. Presentation and Application To present and analyze the idea of creation and its application of vector-type digital graphics. V. Conclusion and Suggestions VI. Reference



向量式繪圖, 電腦繪圖, 視覺傳達, 海報設計, 數位繪畫, 貝茲曲線, Vector-based Draw, Computer Graphics, visual communication, poster design, digital graphics, Bezier Curve





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