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本研究目的在探究鍵接圖教學策略對於華語文為外語學習者(CFL: Chinese as a Foreign Language)之學習成效。探討CFL學習者在使用鍵接圖後之漢字識字能力,最後分析學習者對於鍵接圖教學策略之學習偏好。本研究以中巴文化中心中山學校62位年齡介於16到17歲、華語程度初級之巴拿馬籍華語學習者為研究對象,採準實驗研究法之不等組前後測設計(noneguivalent pretest-posttest designs),其研究對象分為兩班,每班31人。實驗組以鍵接圖教學策略為主;對照組以筆順動畫教學策略為主,所有學習材料皆相同,以線上教學及簡報方式呈現。再進行教學與施測,統計分析了測驗數據後得到下列研究結果: 一、 鍵接圖教學策略對字音識記之學習成效未呈顯著效果 二、 鍵接圖教學策略對字形書寫之學習成效呈顯著效果。 三、 鍵接圖教學策略對字義識記之學習成效呈顯著效果。 四、 鍵接圖教學策略對漢字識字能力呈顯著效果。 五、 CFL學習者對於鍵接圖教學法接受度佳,持正向肯定的態度。 最終研究者依研究結果,提出未來編制及使用鍵接圖教學法之建議。
The aim of this thesis is to explore the learning effect and Chinese characters recognition of key-imagine strategy to Chinese as a foreign language learners and discusses the strategy preferences and learning results. A nonequivalent pretest-posttest designs was used. Participants were two group from age 16 to 17. 62 students from Centro Cultural Chino Panameño Instituto Sun Yat Sen, non-native Chinese speakers. 31 students in the experimental group, which were given the courses by key-imagine strategy, and 31 students in the control group, taught the courses by stroke animation strategy. All participants experienced each learning method, but based on different strategy. Finally, a self-administered questionnaire was used to realize CFL preferences of key-imagine strategy. The main findings are as follows: 1. By the result of pronunciation learning effect, there were no significant differences between the key-imagine strategy and the stroke animation strategy. 2. By the result of Chinese character writing learning effect, the key-imagine strategy was better than the stroke animation strategy. 3. By the result of Chinese character meaning learning effect, the key-imagine strategy was better than the stroke animation strategy. 4. By the result of word recognition, the key-imagine strategy was better than the stroke animation strategy. Most participants choose key-imagine strategy as the Chinese character learning strategy. Finally, according to the study, recommendations for improving Chinese character learning and teaching techniques were addressed.



鍵接圖, 識字能力, 漢字學習, 巴拿馬籍華語學習者, Key-Imagine Strategy, Word recognition, Chinese character learning, Chinese language learner in Panama





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