Establishing a Model for Electric Vehicles for Use in Large Cities
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Jeen-Fong Li
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Office of Research and Development
Office of Research and Development
大都會之空氣污染一直持續惡化中,世界各國皆投資大筆經費,盡其所能的尋找解決之道(吳浴沂,民88;廖峻慶,民88)。雖然車輛的使用對各國的經濟成長貢獻頗大,但是,相對的也造成了大都會的空氣污染(楊模華,民87;陳志信,民89;楊燕枝,民90),然而如何在經濟與環保之間尋找其平衡點,是每個研究科技單位(Research and Technology Organization)的主要任務。本研究的主要目的乃祈求透過情境科技(Scenario Techniques)方法來達成經濟與環保間的平衡。不過,正如我們所知,世間仍舊存有許多事物是超乎人類所能的,但是,我們還是要盡可能的去將傷害減至最低的程度。情境科技就是在這種情況下所產生的一種研究法,簡言之,情境科技是依其過去的情況,分析與預測未來的情境,然後再回到現在來控制當前的情境;其中再輔以文獻探討與德懷術(Delphi Techniques)來建構出電動車輛的執行模式。
Air pollution in big cities has already become a serious problem and will continue to be so in the future. Individual countries are trying to find possible solutions to this problem and are devoting large budgets to comprehensive air pollution research programs (Wu, 1999; Liau, 1999). Even though motor vehicles cause environmental damage, they also make a major contribution to economic growth (Yang, 1988; Chen, 2000; Yang, 2001). In this study we establish an implementation model for electric cars for use in large cities; we proceed via the Delphi Technique and a review of the literature. This model is also arrived at through the utilization of what we call a Scenario Technique (ST). The ST will be able to analyze past situations, predict future ones, and seek to control the present, thus minimizing the future occurrence of the many potential environmental dangers we face on this planet, while maintaining a balance between economic development and the environment.
Air pollution in big cities has already become a serious problem and will continue to be so in the future. Individual countries are trying to find possible solutions to this problem and are devoting large budgets to comprehensive air pollution research programs (Wu, 1999; Liau, 1999). Even though motor vehicles cause environmental damage, they also make a major contribution to economic growth (Yang, 1988; Chen, 2000; Yang, 2001). In this study we establish an implementation model for electric cars for use in large cities; we proceed via the Delphi Technique and a review of the literature. This model is also arrived at through the utilization of what we call a Scenario Technique (ST). The ST will be able to analyze past situations, predict future ones, and seek to control the present, thus minimizing the future occurrence of the many potential environmental dangers we face on this planet, while maintaining a balance between economic development and the environment.