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本篇論文的研究動機如後:第一、「合作安全」的理論發展歷程;第二、中國「新安全觀」的形成背景、原因與其戰略意義;第三、「合作安全」的理論發展與中國「新安全觀」的演變之間相互關係;第四、中國「新安全觀」運用「合作安全」理論的實踐研究。 當冷戰結束之後,各國的安全政策和安全戰略都做了很大幅度的,甚至是根本性的調整,同時對新的安全問題更加地凸顯出來,使得對國家安全和國際安全研究再次成國際政治間的熱門話題。 從中國的「新安全觀」可以實現出國際政治理論方面有一個重要意涵,即「合作安全」理論。筆者認為,自中國國家主席江澤民提出所謂「新安全觀」的「新」思維以來,「新安全觀」即已成為指導中國國家戰略的重要原則,它一方面承襲了鄧小平「和平與發展」的革新基調,另一方面也將注目的焦點擴及國際事務的諸多層面。無論從國際政治變遷、亞太區域和平乃至於兩岸關係發展的角度,都不得不使我們對所謂「新安全觀」付出更多的注意力,而要通盤掌握「新安全觀」的內涵則對國際政治中「合作安全」的理解是必須的功課。 從國家經濟面上來看,一個國家財力增加,就意味這個國家有更大的能力增加及擴大其影響力。由於蘇聯解體,冷戰結束,中國因此得以成為亞洲的一個區域強權,動靜之間都牽動著亞太地區既存的權力結構。這種情況必然使得亞洲的安全結構重新安排,而以亞太地區居世界首位的經濟增長率,使得中國的「新安全觀」國際戰略確實牽動著世界局勢的走向。因此,指導其中國國際戰略的「新安全觀」,確實值得我們深入探究。
This paper discusses four fundamental points: a) the development of the cooperation security theory, b) the background and strategic meaning behind China’s new security concept, c) the interrelation between the cooperation security and China’s new security concept and d) the realization of the cooperation security theory in China’s new security concept. After the cold war, dramatic changes have been made to security policies and strategies across countries all over the world. Issues concerning national security have been emerging. Therefore, researches on national and international security have grasped full attention. From the theory of international politics, an important generalization can be deducted from China’s new security concept: the cooperation security theory. As the author believed, ever since the former president of China, Jiang Zemin, proposed this innovative notion, the new security concept has become the supreme guidelines of China’s national strategies. On one hand, this concept has maintained the reforming style of Deng Xiaoping’s peace and development slogan; on the other hand, the set of guidelines have covered wide phases on international affairs. In the light of changes on international politics, peace in the Asian Pacific region and the bi-lateral development of cross-strait relations, more attention needs to be given to the new security concept. Meanwhile, a full grasp of the new security concept is the key to comprehend the cooperation security policy. . In terms of national economy, the increase on a nation’s wealth directly mounts up her power and capability. With the dismantling of the former Soviet Union and the end of the cold war, China has thus held controlling power over Asia. Every single move of China tends to shake the existing power structure in this region. This kind of situation inevitably results in the rearrangement of this region’s safety mechanism. With leading economic growth rate, China’s new security concept on international strategies definitely plays an important an important role on the world map. Therefore, more extensive researches are strongly recommended of China’s new security concept.



合作安全, 新安全觀, 和平與發展, 戰略思維, cooperation security, new security concept, peace and development, the strategic thought

