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本研究主要目的在探討高科技產業組織學習策略之研究-以個案公司為例。在研究設計上, 係採取質化的個案研究法,針對單一個案,透過個案訪談進行資料蒐集與分析。在研究的 過程中,研究者前後總共進行六次訪談,第一次的受訪員工有兩位;其餘五次各訪談一位 員工,合計有七位員工受訪。研究者將每次訪談內容記錄整理成逐字稿,再進行資料處理 與分析。最後歸納得出個案公司組織學習之組織學習策略與具體作法,並針對後續研究提 出幾點相關建議: 本研究獲致的主要結論在於個案公司採取的組織學習策略包括:1.內化同業優勢的學習策 略;2.結合異業專長的學習策略;3.模擬顧客需求的學習策略;4.適應法令與環境的學習 策略;5.提供多重進修管道的學習策略;6.進行跨部門交流的學習策略;7.激發部門內互 動的學習策略;8.傳遞層級知識的學習策略。 對於後續研究方向的主要建議,包括:1.探討其他產業個案公司的組織學習策略;2.探討 組織學習的其他構面;3.比較不同高科技公司之間的組織學習策略差異。
The purpose of this study was to explore the important issues of the organizational learning strategies of the high-tech industry. The study adopted the single case study method of the qualitative research. The data was collected by in-depth interviews. In the process of the research, the author interviewed seven co-researchers in the corporation for six times. In the first time, the author interviewed two co-researchers, and one co-researcher each time for the next five times. After the interviews, the author coded the tapes into word processor files and did data analysis. Having done the study, conclusions and suggestions were made as follows: Conclusions: There were eight organizational learning strategies in this high-tech corporation. The eight strategies were as follows:1. To learn competitors’ advantages;2. To integrate network’s professional specialties;3. To imitate and satisfy customers’ needs;4. To get with laws and the environment;5. To provide multiple learning ways;6.To exchange experiences between departments ;7. To share knowledge and skills in the department;8.To deliver knowledge from top to down. Suggestions: 1.To explore organizational learning strategies of other industries; 2.To discuss other aspects of organizational learning; 3.To compare the differences of organizational learning strategies among high- tech corporations.



高科技產業, 組織學習, 策略, 組織學習策略, high-tech industry, organizational learning, strategy, organizational learning strategy





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