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Android是現今成長最快速的行動平台,截至2011年5月,第一億個Android行動裝置啟用了,且目前正以每天超過 50萬部的速度增加。同時,結合定位功能的智能手機和平板電腦等行動裝置的普及,衍生出許多基於地理位置的資訊服務(Location-Based Service)。而Android行動平台的開放性,最有利於研究發展新的應用。
本研究為發展一個基於地理位置的Android行動即時資訊服務。藉由設計一個Android「行動裝置端」的應用程式(App),及一個位於Internet上的「主機端」的MySQL資料庫,結合「雲端」的Google Maps服務,發展出一個具有訊息廣播功能、基於地理位置的行動即時資訊服務SaysApp。相對於類似的App如Google Latitude,本研究所發展的SaysApp,使用者能夠輕易取得地理位置「附近」的「任何使用者」的訊息,因此SaysApp可以用來建立一個前所未有的溝通管道。
Android is the most rapidly growing mobile platform nowadays. By May 2011, one hundred million Android devices have been activated, and the number is increasing at a speed of over 500,000 devices being powered up every day. Meanwhile, many Location-Based Services are derived from the popularization of locationing featured mobile devices, the smartphones and the tablets. The openness of Android is beneficial to research and develop new applications. This research is to develop a location-based Android mobile instant information service. With both the App on the device and the database on the Internet being designed, and Google Maps in the “cloud” being linked, a text-broadcasting location-based service has been developed. Different from the app Google Latitude, SaysApp developed in this research enables the users to build a novel channel to communicate with any unknown users nearby easily.
Android is the most rapidly growing mobile platform nowadays. By May 2011, one hundred million Android devices have been activated, and the number is increasing at a speed of over 500,000 devices being powered up every day. Meanwhile, many Location-Based Services are derived from the popularization of locationing featured mobile devices, the smartphones and the tablets. The openness of Android is beneficial to research and develop new applications. This research is to develop a location-based Android mobile instant information service. With both the App on the device and the database on the Internet being designed, and Google Maps in the “cloud” being linked, a text-broadcasting location-based service has been developed. Different from the app Google Latitude, SaysApp developed in this research enables the users to build a novel channel to communicate with any unknown users nearby easily.
Android, Location-Based Service, App, Google Latitude, Android, Location-Based Service, App, Google Latitude