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依據民國85年7月行政院公布之「臺灣地區能源政策及其執行措施」中,將「推動教育宣導」列入第六項,明確指出「推動教育宣導」為當前能源政策的重要一環。依據此項政策,能源教育可分為「學校教育」與全民的「社會教育」,而推動學校實施能源教育之目的,除了提昇教師之能源素養外,並經由教育方式使全體學生對能源問題有正確的認識,期望培養能源技術專業人才,進而積極推展全民能源教育及節約能源宣導工作。 為加強能源教育的推動,經濟部與教育部已於民國83年11月21日共同召開「全國能源教育行政會議」,邀請各級有關教育行政主管人員,共同研商能源教育推動方向及策略,並建立共識,於民國91年12月頒布「加強中小學推動能源教育實施計畫」,配合我國之能源政策,落實能源教育。自本法頒布以來,各縣市教育局及國民小學亦積極配合推動能源教育,為瞭解其推行之成效並提供必要之協助,經濟部能源局近年來透過各種方式,包括推廣輔導、種子教師培訓、全縣性能源教育教師研習、巡迴宣導、推動能源教育優良學校表揚…等活動,對能源教育之推動規劃一系列有計畫之執行步驟,成效十分良好,為能源教育之發展奠立良好基礎。 本計畫為延續經濟部能源局多年來推動能源教育之成果,以本計畫多年承辦能源教育相關活動之豐富經驗,配合能源局所擬定之計畫工作內容,並透過教育系統之協助,落實國民中小學能源教育之推動,提昇國中、小學學生的能源認知並養成節約能源之好習慣,使其成為具有能源素養及節約能源習慣之好公民。
In July 1996, the Executive Yuan included the promotion of energy education in its energy policy and implementation. This shows that the promotion of energy education is one important part of our energy policy. According to the policy, energy education comprises two parts: school education and social education. Through school education, teachers can acquire energy attainments, while students can have a correct view on energy problems. Some students can hence become experts in the energy field and promote energy education as well as energy economization in the public. In order to promote energy education, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Ministry of Education co-held a national administrative meeting on energy education on Nov. 21, 1994, inviting educational administrators of all levels to participate in the discussions of future promotion of energy education and related strategies. In Dec. 2002, implementation strategies for energy education in junior high schools and elementary schools were stipulated in accordance with our energy policies. In alignment with the strategies, education bureaus at county and municipal levels have worked actively to implement energy education. In order to understand its effectiveness and provide necessary assistance, Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs has held a series of activities, the commendation for schools which has great achievements in promoting energy education. These activities has achieved remarkable success and laid a solid foundation for the development of energy education. This research aims at carrying forward the achievements of energy education accumulated in recent years and consolidating the energy education in junior high schools and elementary schools with the assistance of educational system in accordance with the strategic activities set up by Bureau of Energy. Its purpose is to help students acquire energy attainments and the habit to economize on energy in daily life.



