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本研究旨在瞭解桃園縣立高中學校體育設施使用現況,並探討其在體育課教學及體育班訓練時所面臨的問題及解決的策略,進而提出具體建議。本研究以桃園縣立高級中學共7所,自創校階段即於該校服務之體育教師或體育行政人員7位為研究對象。透過文件整理、文獻探討及深度訪談三種方式蒐集資料並進行交叉分析,同時以專家效度與內容效度建構本研究之效度,另以三角交叉檢定來增加本研究之信度,最後統整研究調查結果與發現,比對過去研究文獻加以整理分析討論,獲得結論如下: 一、各校以球類場地、田徑場及體育館設置最為普遍,各校運動場地之設置與規劃,因應教學使用考量,設計採多元化樣貌。由於各校代表隊種類更替轉變或該場地使用率過低,學校運動場地規劃種類會隨之改建。 二、為充實體育課程的內容,設施的使用具複合性、多元化特色,於有限場地內採取多樣化教學種類。為使教學活動順利進行,行政處室間利用協調排課數量的上限,以避免場地衝突,雨天教學型態取決於該校單節排課數量及雨備場地總數而定。 三、校園的規劃並未考量學校實際使用需求,導致教學場地不足及場地設計不良等主要問題。因此除善用現有場地、行政間相互協調場地分配外,亦積極增加可作為教學使用的空間。 四、由於縣府令示及家長期望就近入學之因素,各校專長種類大多高於法令標準。部分學校體育設施仍不足負擔體育班運動種類使用,故學校以外訓借用場地方式,解決訓練場地問題。校內場地面臨使用衝突時,以體育班訓練為優先,體育課為其次。 五、縣政府實施三級銜接政策,僅以銜接運動種類或避免招生人數不足為主要考量,導致體育班出現訓練場地不足及招收專長種類過多問題。故以選手回歸國中母校訓練,來改善場地及師資皆付之闕如的問題。另可針對學校場地使用狀況,適度調整訓練內容,並以採購替代性設備器材與借用它校場地,具體解決場地不足窘境。 基於上述結論,建議將體育科設備標準列入教育局及學校的評鑑項目,以督促各校改善。在新設校或是新增設施時,應考量多用途、大容量、高樓層、適應天候等原則;各校可設立校園規劃小組,以整合各單位的需求做整體規劃。協調體育班三級銜接時,應將場地條件納入考量因素。
This study aims to investigate the use of sport facilities in Taoyuan County senior high schools as well as probe into difficulties and solutions in the use of sports facilities in physical education teaching and training programs for students in athletic class. Practical suggestions are provided as well. There are seven Taoyuan County senior high schools. Interviewees are seven members who have served as PE teachers or section chiefs of physical education since the school was founded. Data are collected through analysis of documents, literature review, and depth interviews. Cross analysis is utilized to analyze the data. Professionals and experts are invited to evaluate the feasibility of the research design so as to construct validity. After interviews, scripts are double checked by interviewees. Triple cross analysis is used to enhance the reliability of the research. Compared with previous studies, the results were as following: 1.Ball-game areas, athletic fields, and gyms are commonly built in these seven schools. In consideration of the application of sports areas to PE teaching, the designs and the planning of the sports areas in these schools are various and multi-functions. The planning and the types of sports areas change with time if the frequency of using the areas is low or if school teams turn into playing another sporting event. 2.In order to enrich the content of PE class, the characteristics of sports facilities are compound designs and diversification. Various PE classes are taught in limited areas. To make teaching activities go on without difficulties of using the space of sports areas, the maximum number of PE classes at the same time is set so as to avoid overusing the same sports areas. However, how PE teaching is conducted in a rainy day depends on the number of PE classes at the same time and the number of indoor sports areas. 3.In terms of the planning of the campus, the demand of sports areas in school isn’t taken into consideration. As a result, a lack of PE teaching areas and the poor design of sports areas are two main problems. Making good use of sports areas, negotiating with section chiefs of the school to allocate sports areas properly for PE classes, and taking an active role in creating more space for PE teaching are three ways to improve the situation. 4.Due to a command issued by Taoyuan County Government and parents’ expectation on sending children to Community-based schools, the number of the sporting events within athletic class is above the standard of the regulation. Sports facilities in some schools are not enough for students of athletic class to use for training different sporting events. Renting or borrowing sports areas outside schools becomes a solution to this problem. When sports areas are over-occupied, the priority use is for athletic classes and then for PE classes. 5.When Taoyuan County Government puts a policy of a connection of PE training programs from elementary schools, junior high schools, to senior high schools into practice, the government only takes how to combine or connect physical education from elementary schools to senior high schools and what to do to avoid a lack of students enrolling in the programs into consideration. Due to this reason, students from athletic classes don’t have enough sports areas for training. Moreover, a problem of a lack of instructors arises because a school recruits students majoring in different types of sporting events. In order to solve these problems, athletes have to join the training programs in their junior high schools. In fact, there are other practical ways to solve these problems as well. How schools utilize sports areas can be an indicator to adjust the design of training programs. Purchasing alternative equipment or devices and borrowing or renting sports areas from other schools can be a way out. In conclusion, it is suggested that the quality and the quantity of sports facilities should be a list on Bureau of Education evaluation or school evaluation so as to urge schools to improve the situation. When new schools or new equipment are under construction, whether they have multi-functions, enough capacity, high floors and different uses under various weather needs consideration. A team of school planning can be founded in each school. The team can collect opinions from sections and offices and derive a well-organized plan for the school. When a policy of a connection of PE training programs from elementary schools, junior high schools, to senior high schools is negotiated, situations of sports areas should be considered as one of factors.



體育課, 體育班, 三級銜接, PE class, athletic class, a policy of a connection of PE training programs from elementary schools, junior high schools, senior high schools





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