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本研究旨在探討某科技大學學生對導師角色期待與功能滿意度、導生互動關係之現況,及其在不同背景變項的差異,以及導生互動關係與學生對導師角色期待與功能滿意度的相關情形。 本研究以北區某科技大學100學年度在學學生5,639名為研究對象,並以「學生對導師角色期待與功能滿意度調查問卷」為研究工具進行調查,共發放2,150份問卷,回收有效問卷1,748份,回收率81.3%。研究工具「學生對導師角色期待與功能滿意度調查問卷」係參考國內學者之量表並依據研究對象特色加以修訂,其中學生對導師角色期待與功能滿意度面向為「課業輔導」、「生活輔導」、「情感輔導」、「生涯規劃輔導」;導生互動關係層面為「影響力」、「接近性」。 本研究結果如下: 一、案例學校學生對導師角色與功能具中上的期待度與滿意度,對導生互動關係具有中上程度;其中學生對「生涯規劃輔導」最為期待,但滿意度偏低,顯示此輔導面向為改善的重點;而導生互動關係以「低影響低接近型」與「高影響高接近型」的互動關係最常見。 二、學生對導師角色期待與功能滿意度研究發現: (一)學生對導師角色期待度,林口校區、日間部、五專、住宿學校、實施雙導師制度、女性導師、導師為本科系導師、導師時間實施次數每月二、三次及四次以上的學生期待高於嘉義校區、進修推廣部、二技、非住宿學校、實施班級導師制度、男性導師、導師非本科系教師、導師時間實施次數每月不到一次的學生。 (二)學生對導師功能滿意度,進修推廣部、二、四技、三年級、非住宿學校、實施班級導師制度、導師有擔任行政職、導師有上導生班課程、導師時間實施次數每月一、二、三次及四次以上的學生滿意度高於日間部、五專、五年級、住宿學校、實施雙導師制度、導師未擔任行政職、導師未上導生班課程、導師時間實施次數每月不到一次的學生。 三、導生互動關係研究發現,進修推廣部、二、四技、非住宿學校、女性導師、導師為本科系教師、導師有擔任行政職、導師有上導生班課程、導師時間實施次數每月一、二、三次及四次以上的學生互動關係高於日間部、五專、住宿學校、男性導師、導師非本科系教師、導師未擔任行政職、導師未上導生班課程、導師時間實施次數每月不到一次的學生。 四、導生互動關係與學生對導師角色期待與功能滿意度有顯著正相關,且以導生互動關係與學生對導師功能滿意度呈現高度正相關,亦即導生互動關係程度愈高,則學生對導師功能滿意度越高。 本研究依據以上發現,提出對學校、導師、學生之有關建議,並提供案例學校作為推動導師制度之參考。
The aims of this thesis are: to understand “ the homeroom teacher role& task satisfaction and expectation of the students in a technology university”. The tasks of a homeroom teacher are: studying counseling, social counseling, relationship counseling, and career counseling. Out from 1,748 responsive available questionnaires, the results are as following: A: The homeroom teacher task satisfaction The students have 50% up expectation to their homeroom teacher, especially for the career counseling. However, it seems to have less than 50% satisfaction on the issue.The result is that career counseling needs the most improvement. B: The homeroom teacher role satisfaction and expectation The results varied because of two different student groups. Group 1: Lin-Ko campuses, day school, 5-year school system, boarding students, etc. Group 2: Chia-Yi campuses, weekend school, 2-year school system, non-boarding students,etc. 1.The homeroom teacher role expectation Group 1 students would expect more than Group 2 to have Dual homeroom teachers, Female homeroom teacher, major-tutor homeroom and class-meeting more than 3 times a month. However, Group 2 students would prefer to have male homeroom teacher, non-major tutor homeroom teacher and less than once class meeting a month. 2.The homeroom teacher task satisfaction Generally speaking, Group 2 students have more satisfaction with their homeroom teachers, if their homeroom teacher is taking charge of administrative tasks or tutor them at the same time. 3.The Interaction between students themselves Group 2 students have more interaction than Group 1, especially when their homeroom teacher having administrative tasks, tutoring them at the same time and meeting them more than 3 or 4 times a month. 4.It is obviously to say that the more interactive relationships the students have, the more satisfaction they have to their homeroom teacher.



導師, 導師角色期待, 導師功能滿意度, 導生互動關係, homeroom teacher, role expectation, task satisfaction, interactive relationships





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