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近年來,新自由主義此概念已成為全球治理與世界經濟體系發展的趨勢,全球化經濟體系持續擴張致使各國家邊界淡化成為緊密連結的經濟體,其中,美國更是強力推進新自由主義為新的普世價值,強化其世界霸權地位與影響力,而我國政策發展則長期受美國的社會論述與經改潮流所影響。新自由主義的治理亦為一種全球治理,形塑經濟、文化、環境與政治治理的政體轉變,其主張分散治理的自由中心以及賦權市場機制,並進一步透過權力運作去領土化,經由生命政治的延伸和市場網絡的計算,生產自我治理的主體,鼓勵個體自我調整與最佳化。 新自由主義的論述正形塑當代治理理性,控制與影響了高等教育,世界各國的高等教育由此經歷程度不一的市場化,也就是政府放鬆管制,將市場邏輯導入高等教育之中,一方面提供高等教育消費者更充分的資訊,另一方面則是形成高等教育回應績效責任、表現性、證據導向和品質保證的趨力。再者,大學法明訂教育部為促進各大學之發展,應組成評鑑委員會或委託學術團體或專業評鑑機構,定期辦理大學評鑑,並公告其結果,作為學校調整發展之參考,可見大學評鑑制度為我國高等教育治理的主要政策。 綜觀上述而論,本研究採用歷史研究法及文件分析法,探究我國大學評鑑制度的歷史發展脈絡,以梳理新自由主義對我國大學評鑑制度之影響,進行大學評鑑制度發展歷程中的治理性分析。本研究獲致以下結論: 一、我國大學評鑑制度的發展可分為三個階段,從「強制性的績效責任導向」,走向「遠端操控的新公共管理」,最後再轉至「規範性的品質保證」 二、國家體制的民主化、被治理者的抗拒,以及新自由主義治理技術的引入為我國大學評鑑制度改變之關鍵轉折 三、我國大學評鑑制度的新自由主義治理為由下而上之草根模式 四、我國大學評鑑制度的治理形式由「國家控制」調整成「國家監督」,再朝向「自我治理」發展
In recent years, Neoliberalism is a trend of thought about global governance and political economy of the world system. Under the expansion of political economy of the world system, the boundaries between nations have been eliminated and become a community of interest. Neoliberalism becomes the universal value through advocators from the United States of America to promote hegemony. And the political and economic reform have a strong influence on the development of policy in Taiwan. Neoliberal Governance leads the transition about economy, culture, circumstances, and political affairs. The defining features of neoliberalism are laissez-faire economic liberalism, free market capitalism, and reductions in government spending in order to produce the subject of self-government. Furthermore, neoliberalism has an influence on higher education. The government began to deregulate bureaucratic control over educational system. It stands for public service and privatization. Taking part in market competition reconstructs the orders of economy and politics. The concept of bigger market and small but efficient country takes the place of the governance of traditional public systems. It strongly urges the country reexamine the duties and roles. Moreover, accountability becomes the central concept of new public management. Therefore, the country sets specific goals for each policy, and estimates the budget based on its goals. Finally, it measures accountability by goals and index. In terms of higher education governance, the revised of laws means government devolves more autonomy to higher education institutions, and adjusts administrative management. University Act authorizes the Ministry of Education to supervise and audit universities. University evaluation in Taiwan is the main educational policy ofgovernance in higher education. Above all, Historical study and policy document analysis were adopted as research method. The main aim of this paper is explore the development of the system of university evaluation in Taiwan, analyze the relationships between neoliberalism and the system of university evaluation, and advocate some proposals for educational reforms in Taiwan to promote the sustainable development of higher educational research.



大學評鑑, 治理性, 高等教育治理, 新自由主義, university evaluation, governmentality, governance in higher education, neoliberalism





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