

台灣地區所使用的國語中,「跟」字因經歷了「語法化」(grammaticalization)過程,已衍生成為一個具有多義、多功能的詞彙:從最初意指「跟部」的名詞,到表達「跟隨」意義的動詞,逐漸又衍生出表伴同關係(comitativity)、交互關係(reciprocity)及單向關係(unidirectionality)的介系詞,最後到表示兩個名詞組間在詞組層次(phrasal level)以及句子層次(sentential level)平行對等關係(coordination)的連接詞。 本研究認為上述「跟」字之多重用法,乃因受到謂語的動詞語義及修飾語的句法位置之影響而成。有鑑於此,本論文主要嘗試著提出一個「連續線」(continuum)的模式,透過動詞語義的釐清及修飾語的句法位置,進而解釋「跟」字各種不同的功能。本論文將指出在此連續線的一端,「跟」字的用法最為單純,只能作為連接詞使用;在連續線另一個端點的「跟」字,其用法最為複雜,可作為動詞、介系詞或連接詞;在兩個端點間所出現的「跟」字,則可當介系詞及連接詞使用。 此外,在建立此「連續線」的解釋模式之前,本論文試著先對「跟」字當動詞、介系詞、連接詞等之句法分佈及語意解釋做一完整的陳述,進而探討在「跟」字兩旁出現的指示對象(referent)之語意特徵及語意角色(thematic role),以俾本文提出之「連續線」模式的建立。
Chinese gen ‘with, and’ has undergone grammaticalization processes and has come to display multi-functional usages, namely, (i) forming part of a nominal compound meaning ‘heel’, (ii) functioning as a verb denoting ‘to follow’, (iii) serving as a preposition marking comitativity, reciprocity, unidirectionality and (iv) serving as a conjunction coordinating two noun phrases at the phrasal level and at the sentential level. This thesis assumes that each of the above-mentioned functions and interpretations of gen is influenced by some semantic as well as syntactic factors. The main purpose of the thesis is thus to establish a “continuum” whereby verbal semantics and the syntactic position of modifying elements interact closely and give rise to the different behaviors of gen. This study shows that (i) at one end of the posited continuum, the behavior of gen is unitary and it always functions as a conjunction, (ii) at the other end, the behavior of gen is complex and it can be analyzed as a verb, a preposition or a conjunction, and (iii) between the two ends, gen can be a preposition and a conjunction. Though the “continuum” notion is the focus of this thesis, a comprehensive study on the syntactic distribution and semantic interpretations of gen as a verb, as a preposition, and as a conjunction is first pursued. Besides, a thorough investigation of the semantic features and thematic roles of the referents that appear adjacent to gen in each function also helps us to establish the continuum model.



語法化, 多功能使用, 連接詞, 介系詞, 伴同關係, 交互關係, 單向關係, 動詞語義, 連續線, 語意特徵, 語意角色, grammaticalization, multi-functional usages, conjunction, preposition, comitativity, reciprocity, unidirectionality, verbal semantics, continuum, semantic features, thematic role





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