

台中縣高中體育班學生學習適應與升學意願之相關研究 中華民國九十六年十二月              研 究 生:王光輝 指導教授:許樹淵 摘要 本研究旨在探討台中縣高中體育班學生學習適應與升學意願的關係。研究方法為「問卷調查法」,以台中縣立五所完全中學體育班學生為對象,共發出440份問卷,回收有效問卷362份,回收有效率為82.27%。資料透過描述統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、雪費法事後比較、皮爾遜積差相關及多元逐步迴歸等進行統計分析。本研究結果歸納如下:(一)體育班學生的學習適應情形以人際關係適應的平均數最佳,而以課業學習適應的平均數最差。(二)體育班學生在升學意願方面,有96.13﹪的學生以升學為其生涯規劃;影響體育班學生升學意願的主要因素是自己的興趣或性向,其次為自己的運動表現,以及父母或家人的期望。(三)體育班學生的學習適應情形會因學校、課後自習時間不同而有所顯著差異。體育班學生的升學意願會因運動訓練時間不同而有所顯著差異。(四)體育班學生學習適應與升學意願之間達顯著相關,尤其以課業學習適應與運動訓練適應兩個構面更為明顯。(五)體育班學生的學習適應情形對於升學意願的預測力極低。 關鍵詞:高中體育班學生、學習適應、升學意願、課後自習時間、運動訓練時 間
A correlative study between Taichung County senior high school Physical Education Advanced Placement Classes students’ learning adjustment status and aspirations for higher education Master’s Thesis, December, 2007       Wang, Guang-Hui Advisor: Prof. Hsu, Shuh-Yuan Abstract This research aimed to understand the relationship between Taichung County senior high school Physical Education Advanced Placement Classes (PEAPC) students’ learning adjustment status and aspirations for higher education. The data were gathered through questionnaire survey on senior high school PEAPC students in Taichung County. 440 copies of the questionnaire were handed out and 362 valid ones were obtained, with a return rate of 82.27%. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent sample t-testing, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe´ method post hoc comparisons, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple step-by-step regression. The results were as follows: 1. The highest mean score of their learning adjustment status fell on the interpersonal-relationship adjustment status. The lowest mean score of their learning adjustment status fell on the lesson-learning adjustment status. 2. As for their aspirations for higher education, 96.13% of the students chose to go on studying. The main three factors of the influence on their aspirations for higher education were self-interest and self-tendency, their athletic-grades, and the expectation of their parents and family members. 3. The learning adjustment status varied a lot with learning-school differences and self-study hours. The aspirations for higher education varied a lot with athletics-training hours. 4. The learning adjustment status correlated closely with aspirations for higher education, especially on lesson-learning adjustment status and athletics-training adjustment status. 5. The learning adjustment status was not a good predictor for aspirations for higher education. Keywords: senior high school PEAPC students, learning adjustment status, aspirations for higher education, self-study hours, athletics-training hours.



高中體育班學生, 學習適應, 升學意願, 課後自習時間, 運動訓練時間, senior high school PEAPC students, learning adjustment status, aspirations for higher education, self-study hours, athletics-training hours

