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本研究旨於瞭解桃園縣國民中學「健康與體育學習領域」實施現況,探討教師在實施領域教學現況與所遭遇困境之差異情形,且提供有關單位課程改革修正及研擬因應策略的建議。透過問卷調查,以桃園縣98學年公私立國民中學教授健康與體育學習領域課程教師為研究對象。問卷結果採描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析進行統計分析後,所得結論如下: 一、桃園縣國民中學實施健康與體育學習領域現況,在「教學評量」實施現況最符合,其次是「教科書評選」實施現況,而在「師資與培育」實施現況符合情形最低。 二、不同性別、服務年資、畢業科系、學校公私立屬性與領域課程研究小組開會次數等教師背景變項,在健康與體育學習領域課程實施現況符合情形有顯著差異。 三、教師實施健康與體育學習領域教學時仍遭遇困境,尤其以「配套與措施」構面符合情形最高。 四、不同的教師性別在實施教學所遭遇困境於「行政與資源」構面達顯著差異,男性教師所遭遇困境情形高於女性教師。 教師不同的背景變項在實施健康與體育學習領域教學現況有差異存在,且教師性別在實施領域教學所遭遇困境具有顯著差異,建議教育主管機關,透過多元的鼓勵與獎賞,提高教師進修增加專業能力之意願;持續進行課程理念宣導活動,促使教師認同課程改革政策之推展。
The purposes of this study were to realize the present situation of the Health and Sports learning field at junior high school in Taoyuan County, to discuss the predicaments in which teachers implemented the courses of the Health and Sports learning field, and to offer some suggestions about curriculum innovations and coping strategies to education administrations. This study used a questionnaire survey randomly sampled from junior high school teachers of Health and Sports learning field in Taoyuan County. The collected data was analyzed by statistical methods, including description statistics, t-test, and one-way ANOVA. Based on the analyzed results, the followings were concluded: 1. The present situation of implementing the Health and Sports learning field at junior high school in Taoyuan County was well related to the “curriculum examination”, medium related to the “textbook selected”, and less related to the “teachers’ cultivation”. 2. There were different implementing results significantly from teachers who are in different gender, with different teaching experiences, educational backgrounds, and meeting times of learning field committee, even in public or private schools. 3. The predicament of teachers’ implementing the Health and Sports learning field was high related to the aspect of “supporting policies”. 4. The predicament of the aspect of “administrative resources” that teachers implemented the Health and Sports learning field was significantly different because of gender. Male teachers had higher predicaments than female. Teacher’s different background variables had differences in teaching Health and Sports learning field. Teachers in different gender had significantly difference when encountering predicaments during Health and Sports class. Therefore, the author suggests that the education institution could through diverse rewards to enhance the willings of teachers’ professional ability by taking advanced courses. It could also enhance teachers’ identifications of curriculum reforms by advocating curriculum activities.



課程變革, 健體領域, 課程實施, 困境, 師資培育, curriculum transforms, domain convener, curriculum implements, difficult position, teachers cultivates





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