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背景:我們一生當中都有進行運動之後,誘發延遲性肌肉疼痛 (DOMS) 的經驗。近期文獻提出生育光線 (GR) 照射可能可以作為消除DOMS的方式。然而,目前沒有研究探討GR對上肢肌群在運動後引起DOMS的恢復效果。目的:探討人體肘屈肌群 (EF) 在一回合最大離心收縮 (EC) 之後,進行連續三天GR治療,能否有減緩DOMS、加速位置復位覺及關節釋放角度的恢復功效。 方法:20名女子足球員隨機分派至實驗組 (Exp;n = 10) 和控制組 (Con;n = 10)。以單側EF進行一回合72次最大等速 (30o/s) EC。Exp與Con組在EC後,接受連續三天的GR (Exp組) 或是不含GR射線 (Con組) 的燈具治療,並在EC前、EC後第1、2、3天,分別進行DOMS、位置復位覺 (PS)、關節釋放角度 (JRA)、位置復位覺–負重 (PS-L)、關節釋放角度-負重 (JRA-L) 等測驗。以二因子混合設計變異數分析不同兩組之間依變項的變化。 結果:Exp組在EC後DOMS誘發程度明顯低於Con組 (p< .05)。Exp組PS、PS-L、JRA以及JRA-L在EC後第1-3天的變化程度皆顯著低於Con組 (p < .05)。 結論:本研究結果顯示,GR治療能有效降低DOMS誘發程度、PS及JRA的失調狀況。因此,GR介入可能可以做為上肢肌群在運動誘發DOMS時,減緩DOMS、加速PS及JRA恢復的方式之一。
Introduction: It is likely almost everyone has had more than one experience of delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) after exerxcise. Recently, some studies suggested that growth ray (GR) may be a effective intervention for alleviating DOMS, but so far, no previous study has investigated the effects of GR on recovery of DOMS of upper extremities after exercise. Purpose: The aim of this study was to examined the effects of GR intervention 3 days after maximal eccentric comtractions (EC) on alleviation of DOMS and recovery of position sense (PS) and joint reaction angle to release (JRA). Methods: Twenty female football player were placed into experiment (Exp; n = 10) and control (Con) groups (n = 10). The Exp and Con groups performed unilateral elbow flexors (EF) exercise consisting of 72 maximal isokinetic (30o/s) EC. and then, Exp and Con groups received a GR (Exp) or sham (Con) treatment on the EF for 3 days after EC. DOMS, PS, JRA, PS and JRA with a 10% load (PS-L, JRA-L) were recorded before and 1,2 and 3 days after EC, and changes in all dependent variables were compared between the Exp and Con groups by a mixed-design two-way ANOVA. Results: Changes in DOMS after EC were significantly smaller (p< .05) for the Exp group than the Con group, and changes in PS, JRA, PS-L and JRA-L was significantly smaller for the GR group than the Con group (p < .05). Conclusion: These results supported the hypothesis and showed that the GR treatment alleviated effectively DOMS and recover from disorders of PS and JRA. Thus, GR treatment may be an effective intervention to attenuate DOMS and facilitate faster recovery of PS and JRA of upper extremities after eccentric exercise.
Introduction: It is likely almost everyone has had more than one experience of delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) after exerxcise. Recently, some studies suggested that growth ray (GR) may be a effective intervention for alleviating DOMS, but so far, no previous study has investigated the effects of GR on recovery of DOMS of upper extremities after exercise. Purpose: The aim of this study was to examined the effects of GR intervention 3 days after maximal eccentric comtractions (EC) on alleviation of DOMS and recovery of position sense (PS) and joint reaction angle to release (JRA). Methods: Twenty female football player were placed into experiment (Exp; n = 10) and control (Con) groups (n = 10). The Exp and Con groups performed unilateral elbow flexors (EF) exercise consisting of 72 maximal isokinetic (30o/s) EC. and then, Exp and Con groups received a GR (Exp) or sham (Con) treatment on the EF for 3 days after EC. DOMS, PS, JRA, PS and JRA with a 10% load (PS-L, JRA-L) were recorded before and 1,2 and 3 days after EC, and changes in all dependent variables were compared between the Exp and Con groups by a mixed-design two-way ANOVA. Results: Changes in DOMS after EC were significantly smaller (p< .05) for the Exp group than the Con group, and changes in PS, JRA, PS-L and JRA-L was significantly smaller for the GR group than the Con group (p < .05). Conclusion: These results supported the hypothesis and showed that the GR treatment alleviated effectively DOMS and recover from disorders of PS and JRA. Thus, GR treatment may be an effective intervention to attenuate DOMS and facilitate faster recovery of PS and JRA of upper extremities after eccentric exercise.
肌梭, 恢復, 肌肉損傷, 肘屈肌群, muscle spindle, recovery, muscle damage, elbow flexors