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缺乏獨立思考與批判能力的人,其觀看環境議題的角度常受限於傳播媒體,環境 正義與媒體素養的培養應該從學生時代扎根,因此本研究嘗試用環境議題為主題,設計 一套地理角色扮演遊戲,並透過適地性服務技術輔助,讓學生在野外進行自主發現學習, 以增進其批判思考能力與傾向。教學系統可行性測試分三階段進行,透過發現問題與逐 步修正的方式,讓教學平台更趨成熟。研究採用問卷、測驗、參與觀察進行學習成效評 估。結果顯示,無法透過短時間的發現式教學而提升學生的批判思考能力與傾向,但教 學模組可達成推論、解釋的高層次認知領域目標,且能引起學生的學習興趣,讓學生能 應用課堂上所學的地理技能,也提供了他們在尊重彼此意見之同時,理性陳述個人看法 的機會與經驗,所以此教學模組有其可行性與價值性。
People who lack independent and critical thinking tend to view their environment issues under the influence of the media. Environmental justice and media literacy should be cultivated at a tender age. Therefore, this study tried to devise a geographical role-playing game on environmental issues with location-based services, making students discovery and learn by themselves in the field to foster their critical thinking. This experiment came with three phases. The instructions would be better-rounded by detecting problems and correcting them gradually. This study is evaluated by using questionnaires, tests and participant observation. The results showed that discovery learning failed to enhance students’ critical thinking in such a short period of time, but the teaching module has reached the highest level of inference and explanation of the objective of cognitive domain. Also, the teaching has aroused the students’ interests and enabled students to apply the geographical skills learned in class to the field. This served as an opportunity for them to express their opinions and experiences rationally and, at the same time, respect other people’s viewpoints. As a result, this teaching module is feasible and valuable.



適地性服務, 發現式學習, 批判思考, 角色扮演, location-based services, discovery learning, critical thinking, role-playing





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