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雖然臺灣文學之根源,自先民從中國傳播而來;然而由於臺灣特殊的族群組成、風土、地理、歷史因素,產生了與中國文學不同的色彩,無論新舊文學皆然。在臺灣的傳統文學中,傳統啟蒙教材不但繼承了漢文的精華,亦突顯出臺灣本土的特色,經歷時代更迭而保存了不同的樣貌;況且這些傳統蒙書孕育了無數臺灣舊文人,乃是傳統文人文學、人格與品味的基礎養成教材,蒙書撰作者也大多具有傳統文人的身份,因此臺灣傳統啟蒙教材應列入臺灣古典文學的一環。然而由於文獻散佚,蒐羅匪易,因此鮮獲學界重視,相關的研究論文數量較少,尚處於起步階段。 本論文將筆者蒐集、寓目的臺灣傳統啟蒙教材分為六大類論述,分別是三字經體、千字文體、韻對類、詩歌類、尺牘類、雜字類。各種類型之下的蒙書依時代順序介紹,最早成於清代,最晚則出版於二十世紀末,歷時三朝百年,藉以縱向觀察同類型教材中,不同時代反映的思想與特色;並將不同蒙書並列比較,橫向參照以釐清各種教材的撰作動機、內容釋義等。筆者再融合田野調查與文獻蒐藏的經驗,舉出傳統文人對傳統啟蒙教材的回憶,佐以《鶯雛學囀集》、《練習 對帖》等私塾手抄本,試圖再現臺灣早期在私塾的文人養成訓練過程;訪問舊書業者,多方蒐集文獻孤本,由版本考證各種傳統教材的源流演變。 經過各類文本的考察、析論、比較後,筆者提出臺灣傳統啟蒙教材具有傳統文學與民間文學的美感,並有見證不同時期的教育方針、國族觀念、事物演變等歷時性特色。這些教材並保存了臺灣語言的發音和語料,由於教學上使用閩南、客家話,延續了臺灣語言的生命。論文最後則試圖找出臺灣傳統啟蒙教材的研究方向與出路,期望先賢之心血結晶在時間長流裡不致湮沒消失,反而得以在新時代中,洗練出璀璨的光芒。
Although its roots originated from our ancestors from China, Taiwanese literature have transformed differently from Chinese literature due to the factors of Taiwan’s specific ethnic groups, local customs, geography, and history, both old and new.In traditional Taiwanese literature, basic primer materials have inherited the essence of Chinese, highlighted local characteristics of Taiwan, and also preserved different types through the generations.In addition, these traditional primers not only nurtured numerous Taiwanese traditional scholars, but also were the basic materials to develop literature, personality, and taste of traditional scholars. Most of the authors of these materials also had the identity of scholars.Therefore, traditional Taiwanese primer materials should be classified under Taiwanese classical literature.However, because of the lack of available documents and the attention from the academic, the number of research papers about traditional Taiwanese primer materials is not high. The research about this issue is still in its infancy. This essay categorizes and expounds traditional Taiwanese primer materials collected by the author into six types: San Zi Jing (Three-word Chant), Chien Zi Wen (One-thousand-character Primer), rhyming couplets, poetry, letter, and miscellaneous words.These different types of primer materials are introduced in time sequence. The earliest ones were written in Ching Dynasty, while the latest ones were published at the end of the 20th century.Through the three dynasties of a century, different thoughts and characteristics reflected from different generations within the same type of materials can be observed vertically. In the meantime, these different types of materials would be compared horizontally in order to clarify the writing motivation and explanations. The author’s experience of field investigation and data collection would also be used to give proof of the traditional scholars’ memories of primer materials. Moreover, with the manuscripts of private schools, such as Ying Chu Hsueh Chuan Chi (The Book of How a Young Oriole Learn to Twitter) and Lien Hsi Tui Tieh (The Practice of Couplet), the process of how to cultivate a scholar in private schools in early Taiwan is trying to be restored. Through interviewing old books merchants and collecting data and only copies in many ways, the development of these traditional materials can be researched via various versions. After the inspecting, analyzing, and comparing of these materials, this essay suggests that the traditional Taiwanese primer materials have the beauty of both traditional literary and folk literary. They also have some temporal characteristics, which are: witnessing the educational policies from different periods, the perceptions of nation and race, and the evolution of things. These materials have not only preserved the pronunciation and corpus of Taiwanese language, but also kept the life of Taiwanese language going because of the practical usage through ages. At the end of this essay, the potential directions and ways to research on traditional Taiwanese primer materials are provided. Hope that the efforts of sages would not be lost in time but shine their bright light in modern ages.



啟蒙教材, 蒙書, 古典文學, 民間文學, 私塾, basic primer materials, primers, classical literature, folk literature, private school





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