國民中學藝術鑑賞 課程與教學研究--以希臘羅馬神話繪畫為例

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本研究主要目的,是在探討以希臘羅馬神話繪畫為主軸的視覺藝術鑑賞課程,對國中普通班學生藝術鑑賞能力之影響。 依據研究目的採行動研究法、探究式教學策略,並輔以質的研究,探討學生對藝術鑑賞能力之心得與意見。本研究對象為新北市某一所國中八年級普通班學生共85 名,將學生隨機分為試探教學組與正式教學組,試探組為28人,正式組為57人。教學8週,每週教學1節,共8節。 兩組學生於教學前後接受「藝術鑑賞能力測驗」與「活動反應問卷」,以瞭解教學前後藝術批評能力、藝術鑑賞能力與藝術態度之差異情形。研究結果發現如下: ㄧ、藝術鑑賞教學對國中學生整體藝術批評能力,「內容描述」、「意義解 釋」「形式分析」與「價值判斷」能力都有顯著效果。 二、藝術鑑賞教學對國中學生西洋繪畫風格的認識有顯著效果。 三、質性分析方面: 1.學生對藝術鑑賞課程有濃厚興趣。 2.學生認為從藝術鑑賞課程中學習到鑑賞的能力有顯著效果。 3.學生覺得最簡單的藝術批評技巧為「意義解釋」,最困難的為「形式分 析」或「價值判斷」。 最後,依據研究結果提出對藝術鑑賞教學與未來相關研究之建議與參考。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a course in visual art appreciation with Greek and Roman mythology. In accordance with the purpose of research, using action research, inquiry teaching strategy and qualitative research method to study student's experience and suggestion of the ability of visual art appreciation. Totally 85 junior high students from three class in New Taipei city participated in the study. They were randomly assigned to heuristic and control groups. 28 students were in the heuristic group, whereas 57 students were in the control group. The instruction lasted for eight weeks and there were one class per week. The students in both groups were tested by exam of visual art appreciation and questionnaire survey to understand the difference of their art critical ability, visual art appreciation and art attitude before and after received different treatments.The results showed that: a. Art criticism ability, content description ability, formal analysis ability, and value evaluation ability of students were significantly affected by art appreciation instruction; b. The ability to recognize western art style were significantly affected by art appreciation instruction; c. The qualitative analysis indicated that: 1. Students were interested by art appreciation instruction; 2. Students thought that they could learn the art criticism techniques from the instruction 3. Students thought “content description” was the easiest part, whereas “formal analysis” and “value evaluation” were the most difficult parts. Based on above findings, the suggestions to art appreciation instruction and future research were proposed.



希臘羅馬神話繪畫, 西方藝術風格, 探究式教學法, 藝術鑑賞教學, Greek and Roman Mythological Painting, Western art style, the teaching of Inquiry Method, the teaching of art appreciation

