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1985-2005年是國產女裝品牌的高峰期,有了這段時期的經驗,台灣品牌經營者對消費者的習性應該甚過於國際品牌,在供應鏈上,距離和速度也都可以占上絕對的優勢,究竟是什麼原因令台灣品牌逐漸走向沒落之路呢? 筆者自身經營女裝品牌35年,從草創期一路到台灣經濟奇蹟再至衰退期,本身很明白台灣女裝經營者忽略品牌國際化的重要性,並且在廣告行銷方面不夠注重,這兩點令品牌很難扭轉頹勢。一、缺乏國際觀而長期留在台灣,市場小且生產數量少,這將導致生產成本的提高;二、不注重廣告行銷而知名度弱,缺乏顧客品牌忠誠度,總是依賴專櫃人員銷售,最終將以失敗收場,是以本論文透過觀察法和個案研究法來追蹤探究。 首章為緒論,包含研究背景、研究動機與目的。第二章:無齡感,生活時尚的定義,商場(購物中心)和百貨公司的定義以及商場法規和安檢。第三章:研究方法,以「觀察法」與「個案研究法」深入研究問題。第四章:從研究方法中 得到臺灣女裝在供應鏈及行銷通路上皆出現障礙,其來自消費者不喜換撞衫和國際品牌的相繼登陸。第五章:「無齡感時尚生活館」計畫內容,藉由市場的問題發現和潛在機會,建置一棟針對中高齡女性需求,追求美麗人生的時尚館。第六章:結論,筆者希望透過新創企業,對社會充滿關懷、體諒,秉持良心企業風格並造福社會。
The women’s clothes made by Taiwanese brands reached the summit between 1985-2005. With the experience, Taiwanese brands’ managers should understand the habits of consumers more than international brands. In the supply chain, they had absolute advantages over distance and speed. What is the reason that Taiwanese brands are going downhill? Author had run my own brand of women's clothes for 35 years. There are two reasons for Taiwanese brands are going downhill. First, the lack of an international perspective will lead to increasing production costs. Second, do not pay attention on advertising will cause less customers’ loyalty. So, this paper analyses by observational survey and case study method. The first chapter is an introduction including research background, research motivation and purpose. Chapter 2: Ageless, the definition of lifestyle, the definition of shopping malls and department stores and shopping malls’ regulations and security. Chapter3: Research methods by observational survey and case study method. Chapter4: From the research methods, we find that Taiwanese brands have obstacles in the supply chain and marketing because consumers do not like wear the same clothes with someone and international brands appear. Chapter 5: Building an ageless and fashionable center by finding market problems and potential opportunities. Chapter 6: Conclusion. Author hope to benefit society by making a new business.



無齡感, 時尚, 生活時尚, 生活時尚感, 企業公益, ageless, fashion, lifestyle, fashionable center, social enterprise

