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從莊子的「乘物以遊心」論教師應有的人文涵養 摘要 教育是實現人文精神的途徑,使作為教育主體的「人」生發情意美感與生命理想,其具體的方法在透過人文涵養的實踐。莊子的「乘物以遊心」啟發教師關注人為「萬物之一」的存在處境與困境,以及人為「萬物之靈」的生命價值,透過虛靜的美感心靈,開展人我關係的和諧、自我生命的成長與終極理想的追尋。 本研究旨在從莊子的「乘物以遊心」探討教師的人文涵養,釐清「乘物以遊心」的哲學內涵,透過其對人生處境的關懷與生命出路的闡述,開展教師應有的人文涵養,以期能對教育提供理念與實踐上的啟發。 研究內容方面,以莊子內七篇的內容為主,外、雜篇為輔,運用人生修養與生命智慧的詮釋觀點。首先,探討「心在物中」的人生存在處境與困境,連結當代的生物學、心理學與社會學,分別闡述「生也有涯」的自然行程、命與義的人間難關與「知也無涯」的人為造作。 其次,從莊子對人生存在處境與困境的體悟,闡述教師在當代社會中應有的自我定位與期許,連結生物學、心理學、家庭學與社會學,先探討教師在天倫親情與人倫道義中的自我定位。再探究學校教育中分數主義與升學競爭的問題,從中建構教師以心靈修養為根本的自我期許。 復次,探明「乘物以遊心」的修養工夫,揭示修養工夫的主軸在心,其具體的方法為「用心若鏡」與「形就心和」,並輔以美學理論,闡發修養的進程,釐清主體生命從「聽之以耳」,進到「聽之以心」,再到「聽之以氣」的差異。 再者,闡發「乘物以遊心」的生命理境。分別從「在生有涯中逍遙遊」、「在人間世中齊人我」以及「體現天道的真人生命」,說明主體如何透過修養,開顯自我生命的美感、人我關係的和諧與天人關係的一體性。 最後,從莊子的「乘物以遊心」闡明教師應有的人文涵養。分別從「人我關係的和諧」、「教師自我生命的成長」以及「教育終極理想的追尋」,說明教師如何化解不同立場的對立、自我身心的失衡與束縛,並建構自身教育理想與形上理境的重要。 此外,根據前述探究,提出評論,以作為教育實踐之參考。從中發現,莊子的「乘物以遊心」有以下特點:對「形器物慾」有正面積極的觀點;以「心」來化解生命的困境;對自我生命與人間社會的重視;與儒家人文精神的會通與並行;人文精神與自然生命的並重,以及天人關係的重視。在教育實踐上的建議為:道與術的並行;人文與自然教育層面的兼顧;中國哲學在教育理論與實踐的開展,並建構以人生修養為基礎的教育美學與美感教育。 關鍵字:莊子、乘物以遊心、教師修養、人文涵養
The Inner virtue of a Teacher Should Have in Humanity Based on Zhuangzi’s " Cheng Wu Yi You Xin" Summary Education is the way to actualize the humanistic spirit, so that "humans" who are the subject of education can give rise to aesthetic sentiments and the concept of an ideal life. The substantial ways to achieve this goal is through manifestation of raising one’s inner virtue of humanity. Zhuangzi's " Sheng Wu I You Xin " can inspire teachers to pay attention to the existence and predicament of human as "one of myriad things" and the value of human life as " the most spiritual of myriad beings." One should utilizing one’s aesthetic mind and spirit of " void and tranquillity" to develop a harmonious relationship between self and others, the growth of life, and the pursuit of ultimate ideal. The purpose of this study is to explore teachers’ inner virtue of humanity using Zhuangzi's " Cheng Wu Yi You Xin", to clearly illustrate the philosophical connotation of " Sheng Wu I You Xin ", and through the elaboration of the situation of human life and its emancipation in order to develop the humanistic cultivation that teachers should have to stimulate ideas to implement education. I base my study mainly on the inner seven chapters of Zhuangzi and supplemented it with the outer and miscellaneous chapters of Zhuangzi, and I used the viewpoint of human’s cultivation and life wisdom to illustrate my points. First, I study the situation and dilemma of human’s existence caused by “the human mind is in objects” to link contemporary biology, psychology, and sociology, to illustrate the natural course of “there is a limit to human life,” the human dilemma of choosing between life and righteousness, and the human made disaster derived from “there is no limit of mind.” Secondly, I use Zhuangzi's realization of the situation and predicament of the existence of human life to illustrate the needed self-identity and anticipations of teachers in contemporary society. To start with, I use biology, psychology, the study of family, and sociology to explore the teacher's identity in areas of the affection of family relations and the righteousness of human relations. Then, I discuss the problems caused by focusing on grades and competition in being admitted into an esteemed school in our education system. Based on this, I form a view that teachers should have self-anticipation of taking spiritual cultivation as their basic attitude. Furthermore, I explained the cultivation effort of "Cheng Wu Yi You Xin." to clarify that the main focus of teacher’s cultivation is on cultivating their minds. The substantial way to do this is “to use the mind as a mirror” and “to harmonize one’s body and mind.” Also, I use the aesthetic concept to expound the process of cultivation to clarify the differences of life between “listening with ears,” “listening with the mind,” and “listening with the spirit.” Also, I explain the ideal life state of “Cheng Wu Yi You Xin" using several concepts: “to wander leisurely in the limited life,” "to harmonizethe relationship of self and others ," and “to manifest the life of a true person who has the Tao.” With this, I illustrate how the subject can go through cultivation to develop and manifest a sense of aesthetics of human life, the harmony of people’s relationships, and the oneness of Tao and humans. Finally, I use Zhuangzi’s concept of "Cheng Wu I Yi You Xin" to illustrate the inner virtue of humanity teachers should have. I use “the harmony between self and others,” "the growth of teachers' life," and "the pursuit of the ultimate ideal of education" to show how teachers can resolve the opposition of people with different ideas, the imbalance and restraints of body and mind, and the importance of establishing their own educational ideals and the transcendental ideals. In addition, I propose ideas based on my study to offer people a reference for implementing education. I found that Zhuangzi's "Cheng Wu Yi You Xin" has the following characteristics: it offers positive views on "materials and desires," it proposes to use "the mind" to resolve dilemmas in life, it emphasizes the importance of one’s life and human society, it stresses the understanding and practice of the humanistic spirit of Confucianism, it emphasize both humanistic spirit and natural life, and it values the relationship between Tao and humans. The recommendations I propose in the implementation of education are: the simultaneous practice of Tao and technology, the care of both humanity and natural education, the application of Chinese philosophy in the area of educational theory and practice, and establishment of educational aesthetics and aesthetic education based on human cultivation. Keywords: Zhuangzi, Cheng Wu I You Xin, Cultivation of Teachers, Inner virtue of humanity



莊子, 乘物以遊心, 教師修養, 人文涵養, Zhuangzi, Cheng Wu I You Xin, Cultivation of Teachers, Inner virtue of humanity

