
dc.contributorJOU MINen_US
dc.contributor.authorHSIAO TSAI CHIHen_US
dc.description.abstract筆者從事壽險業務服務,前後也已將近八年,身為經常參與壽險業教育訓練的一員,很想充分運用有效的教育訓練,讓壽險業務員能發揮自己的天賦潛能,實現人生的夢想。再來,筆者在從事壽險行銷事業的過程中,在增員的人員學經歷中,不乏許多來自於高職或是技職教育體系訓練出來的業務人員,他們不但表現亮麗,且加上技職教育的訓練,常常為公司業績與績效表現的佼佼者,所以筆者希望可以經由透過實證與調查,來探討我國技職教育與壽險業務員績效之間,是否具有密切的相關性,並希望結論可作為未來我國技職教育與就職市場的參考與員工招募方向。 本研究發現:一、業務人員在教育訓練參訓經驗上,均表滿意。意即教育訓練可以有效提昇KASH 的能力也均表認同。二、工作「職級」對 教育訓練成效中的知識、態度、技巧、習慣上在皆有顯著性差異,意即;「年齡」對知識、態度、以及技巧有顯著差異;「主修科目」對教育訓練成效中的知識、態度、技巧、習慣皆有顯著性差異;而「家人的支持度」卻對教育訓練成效的信心有顯著的影響。三、最近三個月平均每月FYP 與職級、主修科系及家人支持度有顯著性差異;最近三個月每月承保件數,與年資及家人支持度有顯著性差異;去年年所得與年齡、支持度、職級、年資、主修的科系、是否為家中經濟主要來源、有顯著性差異。四、績效對教育訓練與主管的領導風格均有顯著性差異;「去年年所得」與訓練成效的信心、主管領導風格具有相當的顯著性。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWorking as an insurance agent and a member of the insurance training system for about eight years, the author has always wished that every insurance agent could maximize their potential and live up to their dreams through effective training. During the author’s engagement in life insurance marketing, many members in the training school are graduates of vocational training or the vocational education system; not only do these graduates perform brilliantly, but by applying their technical assets gained from vocational training, they are often amongst the top performers in companies. It is the author’s wish, through scientific and empirical investigations, to explore if there exist a close connection between our vocational education system and life insurance sales performance and hope the conclusions from this research can be used as guidelines for vocational education systems and a reference for market orientations and employee recruitments. This study has found that: (1) Life insurance sales who have participated in education and training, were all satisfied with the results. This proves that education and training can effectively improve KASH abilities and should be recognized as such. (2) The sales’ “position” in a company directly correlates to the effectiveness of education and training on that particular sales and that the knowledge, attitudes, skills, and habits of these individual sales are significantly different. "Age" is also an important factor for the effectiveness of education and training as well as each sales’ "Major", these two criteria affect each sales’ knowledge, attitude, skills, and habits. "Family support" also has a significant impact, but in the confidence of each particular sales towards education and training. (3) The average monthly FYP in the latest three months varies significantly with rank in the company, his or her major, and family support of that particular sales; successfully insured cases in the last three months varies significantly with years in the field and family support of that particular sales; last year’s income varies significantly with different age, support in the company, rank in the company, his or her major, source of income in the family of that particular sales. (4) Different sales performances create stark differences in a manager’s leadership style and his or her educational training; “last year’s income”, the confidence of effective training, and leadership style all have considerable significance.en_US
dc.subjectprofessional educatorsen_US
dc.subjectsales personnelen_US
dc.titleThe Study of performance correlations between professional educators and sales personnel:sampling from NanShan life insurance Taipei districten_US

