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海洋這個主題的永恆性無庸置疑,自古至今,每個時代的人都能體驗到的海洋與空氣的現象,生動、鮮明且容易理解,這也是筆者最初以海洋元素開始創作的主要原因之一,海洋對於筆者而言,更是一個陪伴傾訴的對象。本文以《寧靜的喧囂》系列作品為基礎,從海景開始的主觀創作,以自身對生命的觀察,透過海洋這個題材,以流動性、抽象性作為探討視覺與內在表現之角度,解析作品中欲陳述之重點。「寧靜」與「喧囂」本來屬於相互矛盾的詞彙,如同海洋的美麗與危險一樣,雖然矛盾,但卻真實存在,因此將矛盾修辭納入探討範圍,並且從受感動的作品中,找尋多位藝術家的創作理念,試分析與筆者間共通或差異的觀點。將自己創作的理念再整理一次,試著回顧每個階段的作品,分析在其中提出的意涵,並以文字傳達。 在《寧靜的喧囂》系列作品中,筆者試將自己假想成在都市中旅行,把生活想像成與昨天不同的另一個國度,在不同的頻道中切換,迎接每天不同的偶然,轉化作為生命的每一個現象場,漸漸成為一種自我風格與生活態度,在周圍的喧囂中,兀自寧靜。在這個系列作品中,也試著創造一個觀看者與繪畫的私密場域,使生活在茫茫人海中的觀看者,透過繪畫,讓自己決定留在喧囂中,或者寧靜中,在訊息的流動之中,創作者與觀看者互相發生現象場,循環不已,作為下階段創作的開端。
The ocean, as an object is doubtless and eternal. From time to time, people can experience the air, vitality and vividness of the ocean and understand it well. The ocean is the origin of inspiration for my creative expression and furthermore, it is an entity to confide in, to rely on, and a place to store memories. This study started from the series of work named “Tranquility in Hustling”, and was, from the beginning a journey of the ocean, seascape and its form. Through the subject of the ocean, I explore fluidity, abstraction and visual insight to capture its essence. As we know, “Tranquility” and “Hustling” could be judged as oxymorons; they are similar to the combination of “beauty” and “danger” found in the ocean. Since paradoxes such as these often occur in the real world, most of us are deeply fascinated by them. Thus,I included the theme of oxymoron in my study by exploring various artists’ works relating to the ocean and analyzing their similarities or differences to my own work. In the series of “Tranquility in Hustling”, I tried to simulate myself as a traveler, to explore in the journey of what we call “life”, to presume these everyday incidental activities or social obligations simply as switching to a different channel or travelling to a different country in my consciousness. These travelling and switching established each of my phenomenal field. While viewers receiving the messages that I tried to transfer to them from my work, their phenomenal fields established, too. With this mental alchemy, I can re-start my life everyday by transforming the annoying hustle and bustle around me - sublimating it into air or dust - and fertilize my creative heart with a new perspective. To create this body of work within this situation is to make my own garden of art, and to ready myself for the next series.



流動性, 抽象性, 矛盾修辭, 現象場, fluidity, abstraction, oxymoron, phenomenal field





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