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為改善日漸失序的學術傳播環境,學術界紛紛倡議各種鼓勵開放取用的計畫與宣言,機構典藏正是落實開放取用精神的實際作法之一,自2002年以來,世界各地的機構典藏相繼宣告成立,引起全球矚目與廣泛討論,其共通宗旨在於以數位化方式保存機構內全面性的研究成果,並付之開放取用模式供大眾點閱,期許能對學術傳播環境有所助益。然而一個成功的機構典藏最困難不在於科技,而是內容的徵集,作者是機構典藏之內容提供者同時也是使用者,其提交資料的意願及支持程度攸關機構典藏的成敗,是故依作者觀點探討機構典藏的建置就非常重要。 本研究以國立政治大學專任的教師、研究員為研究對象,採用質性研究的訪談法,訪談期間自2005年8月8日至10月7日,共訪問14位作者。藉由面對面的對談,探究作者對於機構典藏的認知與看法,分析政治大學實施機構典藏的內外環境及可行方式,以供學校規劃機構典藏之參考。 研究結果有下列幾點發現:一、多數作者肯定機構典藏之價值,認同開放取用的精神;二、作者習慣直接簽署授權書,機構典藏應協助作者確認授權事項;三、機構典藏收錄的資料類型與研究成果形式相關,以期刊論文、研究報告、會議論文三者居多;四、作者參與機構典藏考量的因素以學術研究為導向,可區分為:著作權議題、整體成效、服務方式、激勵制度四大因素;五、政大機構典藏可行方式有:1.強調輔助研究的功能,爭取全體的共識與支持;2.發揮人文社會科學的專長,運用現有機構典藏的基礎;3.規劃完善配套措施,提高作者參與意願;4.以圖書館為整合核心,朝向合作模式發展;5.尋求平衡於開放取用與合理收費的經營模式;6.機構典藏聯盟以學科主題為核心,以整合系統為目標。 根據研究結果,本研究提出以下建議:一、建議政治大學機構典藏以圖書館為整合單位,成立跨單位的機構典藏任務小組,致力提升全校研究競爭力,爭取決策當局的支持,設置研究成果授權仲介中心,洽商機構典藏的權力,收錄的資料類型以學術價值為依歸,典藏內容以人文社會科學為特色,提供個人化的服務方式,制定學術化的激勵辦法;二、建議學術單位加強宣導機構典藏的效益,實施單位內作者之調查研究,拓展機構典藏輔助研究的功能,建立學術化的激勵制度;三、建議政府單位將機構典藏納入國家科學發展政策,推動機構典藏聯盟。
The open-access Institutional Repository has nowadays been highly valued by the academic circle. It has been providing researchers with free online access to the open research outputs. However, researchers themselves are playing a very crucial role in a successful open-access repository. This study uses the National Chengchi University as a base to investigate the faculty’s attitudes towards the concept of open-access institutional repository. “Interviewing” is applied from the qualitative perspective and 14 of the faculty members were interviewed from the 8th of August through the 7th of October, 2005. Following conclusions are derived by analyzing the interviewing results. 1. Most of the interviewees are definitely positive to the value and the spirit of open-access institutional repository. 2. Most of them have one time or another signed up the copyright license agreement to some publishers. 3. The resource formats collected in institutional repositories are relevant to the research outputs. Periodical article、research report and proceeding paper are the top three formats. 4. The factors influencing their willingness to participate in an institutional repository includes issues on copyright、the repository’s effectiveness、the service types and its incentive policy. 5. The University will be developing the institutional repository to support research activities on campus and to enhance studies on fields of Humanities and Social Sciences. Measures will be employed also to promote the faculty interests on the project. Meanwhile, the Library will be the core to integrate the internal cooperation. Besides, users will be charged for a reasonable access fee. And at the end, the institutional repository will be subject-oriented. According to the analyses, propositions are presented as follows. 1. The University should set up a committee and internal copyright-granting agent to enforce the program. Materials with scholarly value and those in fileds of Humanities and Socical Sciences should be the primary contents of the project and customized services and internal incentive policies needs to be developed. 2. The research unites should promote the effectiveness of the Repository to extend its research function and besides, introduce a complimentary policy to provoke the interests. 3. The government should regard the Institutional Repository as part of the national science development policies and sponsor a relevant consortium.



機構典藏, 開放取用, 自行典藏, Institutional Repositories, open access, self archiving

