布列茲《層層疊疊》中《馬拉梅之即興一》 之 分析與研究至自我音樂創作之運用

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皮耶‧布列茲(Pierre Boulez, 1925-)是法國當代的重要作曲家、指揮家,他理性邏輯思考的作曲手法,讓他的音樂作品在所設計的框架中產生其獨特性。在他音樂風格多元、編制種類眾多的作品中,《層層疊疊》(Pli selon pli, 1957-1962)被稱作是他將音樂與文學結合的最佳典範。其中的第二樂章《馬拉梅之即興一》(Improvisation I sur Mallarmé, 1958)將象徵主義詩人馬拉梅(Stéphane Mallarmé, 1842-1898)的詩作作為歌詞,並以“對稱”為主要構想,巧妙的運用在音樂的進程之中,讓這首作品處處充滿驚奇。   在本篇論文中,筆者先從詩人和詩作的象徵意念出發,分析樂曲架構之對稱性,以及詩詞與音樂之間互動的關係,進而將其構想轉化於自身創作之中。
Pierre Boulez (b.1925) is an important contemporary composer and conductor in France. His compositional techniques are with rational and logical thoughts. Consequently, the uniqueness of his composition is produced with particular designed musical frame. His music presents varieties and contains different instrumentations. Pli selon pli (1957-1962) is regarded as a best example of musical and literal integration. The second movement of Pli selon pli, Improvisation I sur Mallarmé (1958), employs the poem written by symbolism poet, Stéphane Mallarmé (1842-1898) as the texts. Boulez applied the concept of symmetry as an essential idea and utilizes the conception sophisticatedly to provide a lot of surprise. In this thesis, the author would like to address the symbolic concept between the poet and poem, the analysis of the musical symmetry and the interaction between poem, text, and music entity. Furthermore, the author will transform the conceptions into my own compositions.



皮耶‧布列茲, 馬拉梅, 層層疊疊, 馬拉梅之即興一, Pierre Boulez, Stéphane Mallarmé, Pli selon pli, Improvisation I sur Mallarmé

